Technology Electronics

Evinrude E-TEC-the primary outboard engines technology to succeed American's product

With No Battery, and abundance of Spark

This   E - TEC's  electrical systems  which   is   based on the  magneto, like the  Model T -- for   the easy reason: this recreational vehicles are  set  into  the   storage  at  the finish of equal  season,and then pull out while the weather turn  for  the favorable condition. These Batteries die with storage, so on relying with single to drive this fuel vaccination  system   & engine organizer only just adds to  the  customer  aggravation.   "This    magneto   produce  about 150 to 350 volts," says the Broughton, "except that the bargain to 55 volts in driving the oil & fuel pumps  with the fuel injector. It's further reduces  about 14.8 volts to accuse the battery,  when the boat has single.

This Evinrude promises the E-TEC engines will begin within single revolution, amazing  most 2-stroke  owners  will   discover  firm  to  believe,   particularly for the engine that's stored in storage. The solution is the preserved injection system. Though this kind of fuel in  gas tank might oxidize in excess of time,  with no air can  just enter the fuel scheme  by itself. This gas stays  very fresh. As this  flywheel begins to turn, this  magneto sends existing to the engine organizer, which easily determines   where  such   piston  is, while to inject this fuel & fire the spark blocks  all inside the single  revolution. At the finish of  3 year's use, & except   for just greasing the minor drive unit since of its constant interest in  the water, Broughton insist the merely item that might need overhaul is this spark plugs. "This  E-TEC is considered to go 3 years without any seller dealings," .

Catalysts  & Oil

But   what   when   the   rules   get   tighter,  won't 2-strokes be at the difficulty since of their tendency to burn the oil? "Oil isn't the big players," says Broughton, "since the amount burn is concerning 1% of   total intake accuse, & it never mixes by gasoline." (The standard user of the 50-hp, this E-TEC would  go during 2 quarts of oil each year.) the Hydrocarbons are  predominant contaminant, the portions of which are scavenge & burned in the subsequent combustion sequence. When emission standard constrict, Broughton will be prepared with the simple reduction  through catalyst he provisions, "1970's skill." Right now, this engine is clean sufficient to pass  the California's 2008 values..This is about the unique emission and the different ways it could evolve.

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