Binaural Brain Beats - Brain Healing Music
Do you constantly feel fatigued, low and depressed, or can not sleep? Are you constantly restless, can not seem to put together your acts properly, or feel that you are barely in control of your life? Chances are high that you are over stressed and are leading a pressure-cooker life.
When this situation persists, it leads to poor performance, disturbed metabolism, hormonal imbalances, weight gain, low self-esteem, and a sense of severe dissatisfaction.
But do not lose heart.
You have enough power in your brain to overcome such debilitating situations.
You can tap this power using binaural music beats.
Remember that a relaxed or de-stressed brain has all the resources for self-healing and healthy regulation of bodily functions.
Brain Versus Computer Brain is the most complex living structure existing in the nature.
The extent of its capabilities is a subject of exploration and will remain so in the future too.
Taking analogy from the digital world, it is the central processing unit (CPU) of the human machine - it has its say in everything we do or feel.
When you put your mind into some state of relaxation, either through meditation or brainwave entrainment by binaural music beats, you allow rest to the conscious mind and tap the subconscious mind.
It provides brain to "defrag" and reorganize itself just like de-fragmentation of a computer disk.
This analogy is quite realistic.
Every abuse you are exposed to, every stressful situation you are forced to live in, and every unhealthy food you eat add together to wear down the physiological and psychological capacity of the brain to function normally.
In other words, they damage the healthy brainwave "files".
Over a period of time, this leads to a reduced ability to withstand further stressors.
By now, most healthy brainwave "files" are corrupted.
As a result, you become vulnerable and may start gaining weight, feel constant fatigue, can not sleep properly, have hormonal imbalances, and so on.
In terms of brainwaves, you are leading a life with high frequency beta waves occupying your brain, which is highly susceptible to becoming chaotic.
Healthy brainwaves have lower frequency and belong to alpha region; still more invigorating are theta and delta waves.
These states lead to creation of new brain cells and new neural pathways.
Daily exposure to these low frequency states creates a supercharged environment that removes all types of imbalances.
Brainwave Technology Brainwave technology has made the task significantly simpler, through a process known as brainwave entrainment.
Generation of the binaural music beats is the most common form of entrainment used to take the brain to any desired state.
You simply need to listen to the binaural music beats and let yourself go.
When two slightly different sound tones are transmitted to individual ears, pulsations are induced in the brain at the difference frequency.
These pulsations are called binaural beats.
When this happens the existing brainwaves shift and begin to vibrate at this induced frequency.
This is referred to as the frequency following response or entrainment.
This entrainment gives you a direct handle to change the brainwave frequencies at your will.
You merely change the binaural beat frequency and the brainwaves would follow it.
Healing With Binaural Beats The alpha range of brainwaves, 7 - 13 Hz, is a state of rest and relaxation.
By inducing binaural beats, of say 8 or 10 Hz, you can experience a state of profound rest within few minutes.
You may go down to the theta region, 4 - 7 Hz, and allow yourself to relax still deeper.
To make your task simpler, there are high quality CDs or mp3s tailor made to serve a specific purpose such as meditation, lucid dreaming, enhancing memory capacity, and so on.
When this situation persists, it leads to poor performance, disturbed metabolism, hormonal imbalances, weight gain, low self-esteem, and a sense of severe dissatisfaction.
But do not lose heart.
You have enough power in your brain to overcome such debilitating situations.
You can tap this power using binaural music beats.
Remember that a relaxed or de-stressed brain has all the resources for self-healing and healthy regulation of bodily functions.
Brain Versus Computer Brain is the most complex living structure existing in the nature.
The extent of its capabilities is a subject of exploration and will remain so in the future too.
Taking analogy from the digital world, it is the central processing unit (CPU) of the human machine - it has its say in everything we do or feel.
When you put your mind into some state of relaxation, either through meditation or brainwave entrainment by binaural music beats, you allow rest to the conscious mind and tap the subconscious mind.
It provides brain to "defrag" and reorganize itself just like de-fragmentation of a computer disk.
This analogy is quite realistic.
Every abuse you are exposed to, every stressful situation you are forced to live in, and every unhealthy food you eat add together to wear down the physiological and psychological capacity of the brain to function normally.
In other words, they damage the healthy brainwave "files".
Over a period of time, this leads to a reduced ability to withstand further stressors.
By now, most healthy brainwave "files" are corrupted.
As a result, you become vulnerable and may start gaining weight, feel constant fatigue, can not sleep properly, have hormonal imbalances, and so on.
In terms of brainwaves, you are leading a life with high frequency beta waves occupying your brain, which is highly susceptible to becoming chaotic.
Healthy brainwaves have lower frequency and belong to alpha region; still more invigorating are theta and delta waves.
These states lead to creation of new brain cells and new neural pathways.
Daily exposure to these low frequency states creates a supercharged environment that removes all types of imbalances.
Brainwave Technology Brainwave technology has made the task significantly simpler, through a process known as brainwave entrainment.
Generation of the binaural music beats is the most common form of entrainment used to take the brain to any desired state.
You simply need to listen to the binaural music beats and let yourself go.
When two slightly different sound tones are transmitted to individual ears, pulsations are induced in the brain at the difference frequency.
These pulsations are called binaural beats.
When this happens the existing brainwaves shift and begin to vibrate at this induced frequency.
This is referred to as the frequency following response or entrainment.
This entrainment gives you a direct handle to change the brainwave frequencies at your will.
You merely change the binaural beat frequency and the brainwaves would follow it.
Healing With Binaural Beats The alpha range of brainwaves, 7 - 13 Hz, is a state of rest and relaxation.
By inducing binaural beats, of say 8 or 10 Hz, you can experience a state of profound rest within few minutes.
You may go down to the theta region, 4 - 7 Hz, and allow yourself to relax still deeper.
To make your task simpler, there are high quality CDs or mp3s tailor made to serve a specific purpose such as meditation, lucid dreaming, enhancing memory capacity, and so on.