Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

This form of ancient therapy will improve your overall health, will reduce muscle soreness and boost

Many of us, in today's busy world, are looking for a safe, natural way to fight and prevent diseases.   Infrared Massage Bed combines advanced technology and includes numerous therapeutic effects on human body.  It helps patients to get relieve from aches, pains and chronic discomforts. This   therapy provides full body massage right from the skull to your feet.  Infrared massage bed offers fast and efficient way to improve blood flow, relax muscles, reduce stress, improve range of motion in joints, fight colds and flu and many more… Infrared heat therapy brings many beneficial changes to patient's physical and emotional state. It even reduces the anxiety and anger, by calming down the nervous system. Patients, suffering from various health issues, such as exhaustion, spinal problems, elevated sugar levels, high blood pressure, poor circulation, migraines, cold feet/hands, allergies, soft tissue injuries, insomniaand tension headaches, will greatly benefit from using it. Treatments durations are short (30 min) and consist of pleasant heat sensation, accompanied by gliding movements of jade rollers.

Benefits of infrared massage therapy are a long kept secret, known only to celebrities, according to some fashion and health magazines. So what is infrared energy? Infrared light is part of the sun's invisible light, which we perceive as heat.  This wave energy creates heating effect in your body. Deep tissue massage from jade rollers together with infrared energy slightly elevates surface temperature of the body, creating many healing benefits on your health and mind. In traditional Eastern medicine jade is a natural transmitter of far infrared energy. Add the benefits of acupressure, ( which is one of the world's ancient forms of healing) and you have a complete, safe, not to mention pleasant way to strengthen and improve your health.

So what are the main benefits of infrared massage bed?

 Reduces inflammation  link92.png
 Improves Blood Circulation
 Helps to increase joints mobility
 Stimulates blood flow
 Improve your Immune System 
 Great for managing depression and anxiety
 Enhances immune system
 Decreases blood pressure and cholesterol
 Assists in sports injuries
 Fights chronic infections (such as urinary tract infections)
 You could try this unique therapy at Richmond Hill Medical and Rehab $30 for 30 min session.

Richmond Hill Medical and Rehab is proud to provide services to community for the past 15 years. Our staff includes experienced healthcare providers, doctors and specialists. To learn more about out treatments and services, please visit the official website Richmond Hill Medical & Rehab Centre or visit the location..

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