Muscle Burning Exercise to Solve Erectile Dysfunction With Increased Testosterone
Many men feel that life is not worth living if their penis no longer works.
The dent to their ego is so strong that many a man has committed suicide because of an erectile dysfunction and I would be greatly moved to rapidly deal with the issue if it ever affected me.
Such is my own fear of not being able to be sexually active well into my 70s I have heavily researched the issue and I do already take strong measures to be the successfully dirty old man I aspire to be.
The real issue is one of testosterone production because the number of men damaged by prostate surgery will now be greatly reduced by the finding that most prostate cancers do not need any surgery at all.
With prostate issues not causing the volume of penile problems that doctors have caused in the past, that leaves in the main only testosterone levels as the root-cause.
And as I have written about quite widely, testosterone production is an issue we can control within our lives by simply following a clean diet or organic foods, a testosterone boosting diet supplement as well as sending messages to the brain to make and release higher levels of testosterone by doing some muscle-burning exercise.
Our brain is what sets the level of our testosterone, and it does so by assessing what is needed to maintain our body in a suitable condition to cope with the stresses we face.
The muscle burning exercise causes the brain to assess that we need increased levels of testosterone to build more muscle mass and to maintain the higher levels - providing the muscle-burning stress persists in our life.
Indeed we don't need to spend our life in the gym pumping iron all day - we simply need about 7 minutes of muscle burn to persuade the brain our stress level needs the testosterone it causes to be produced.
The dent to their ego is so strong that many a man has committed suicide because of an erectile dysfunction and I would be greatly moved to rapidly deal with the issue if it ever affected me.
Such is my own fear of not being able to be sexually active well into my 70s I have heavily researched the issue and I do already take strong measures to be the successfully dirty old man I aspire to be.
The real issue is one of testosterone production because the number of men damaged by prostate surgery will now be greatly reduced by the finding that most prostate cancers do not need any surgery at all.
With prostate issues not causing the volume of penile problems that doctors have caused in the past, that leaves in the main only testosterone levels as the root-cause.
And as I have written about quite widely, testosterone production is an issue we can control within our lives by simply following a clean diet or organic foods, a testosterone boosting diet supplement as well as sending messages to the brain to make and release higher levels of testosterone by doing some muscle-burning exercise.
Our brain is what sets the level of our testosterone, and it does so by assessing what is needed to maintain our body in a suitable condition to cope with the stresses we face.
The muscle burning exercise causes the brain to assess that we need increased levels of testosterone to build more muscle mass and to maintain the higher levels - providing the muscle-burning stress persists in our life.
Indeed we don't need to spend our life in the gym pumping iron all day - we simply need about 7 minutes of muscle burn to persuade the brain our stress level needs the testosterone it causes to be produced.