How to Design a Photo Page for a Yearbook
- 1). Turn your computer on and open one of the three programs. Adobe Photoshop Elements is a program that must be purchased. and GIMP are programs that closely resemble Photoshop in terms of layout and the tools they offer. Those two programs can also be downloaded free off of the Internet.
- 2). Click "File" and select "New" and "Blank File" from the drop-down menus. In the dialog box, change the settings for the length and width to the size you need. You can also select a color background for your page at this stage. Use your school colors as the background. Once the changes have been made, click "OK" and the page will open on the computer screen.
- 3). Click the text tool and add a headline to your page. Do this first so you can select the size and font for your headline or page title. If you leave this step to the end, you might find it difficult to position the text.
- 4). Click "File" and select "Place" from the drop-down menu. Use your computer's cursor to navigate to the folder containing the images you want to add. Click on the icon for the picture and click "OK," and the image will appear on the page.
- 5). Click on the image and observe the bounding box that appears around the picture. Click and hold anywhere on the box, and you can reposition the picture on the page. Click and hold one of the corners of the picture and you can decrease the size of the picture by moving the cursor toward the middle of the picture or increase the size by moving the cursor away from the picture. Once the picture is in the correct place, release the cursor and the program will place the picture there.
- 6). Continue to add pictures to the page. When laying out the page, use similar pictures from an event, grade or class. You can add text underneath each picture identifying who is in the picture and what is happening in it.
- 7). Click "File" and select "Save as" from the drop-down menu, give your page a new title or name and save it to your computer's hard drive