Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Advice From The Arlington Tx Dentist: Your Oral Health During Pregnancy, Part 2

In our previous article post, the Arlington TX dentist discussed the importance of proper oral health and hygiene during pregnancy. A variety of risk factors, such as hormonal changes, morning sickness and sugar cravings, can render a pregnant woman more susceptible to the oral bacteria that cause gingivitis and periodontal (gum) disease. Prevention of these oral conditions and prompt treatment in the event that they develop is incredibly important, stresses the Arlington TX dentist, because oral bacterial infections have been linked with premature births and underweight babies. So, what can you as a mother-to-be do to protect not only your oral and general health, but the health of your unborn baby?

Advice from the Arlington Dentist: What You Can Do During Pregnancy

There are a number of measures you can take to protect yourself and your baby:

1. Immediately schedule yourself an appointment with the Arlington dentist. Tell him/her that you are pregnant and they will explain to you what this means for your oral health. The Arlington TX dentist will also mark you down for regular appointments to keep the health of your teeth and gums in top condition.

2. Make sure you brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day or after meals, says the Arlington TX dentist. Cravings are very common for pregnant women and they can hit at unconventional eating hours, so you should really brush 30 minutes after any meal, snack or treat. Waiting 30 minutes allows your teeth time to remineralize, says the Arlington dentist. Brushing immediately after food can hasten the erosion of your dental enamel.

3. Include daily flossing in your hygiene routine, stresses the Arlington TX dentist! And carry around an ADA-approved anti-bacterial mouthwash with you. This will give you the upper edge against the bacteria in your mouth.

4. Try to maintain a healthy diet. Satisfy sugar cravings with healthy options like fresh or dried fruit instead of chocolate and candy, advises the Arlington dentist. If you cant do without these kinds of indulgences then there are sugar-free chocolates on the market. You may want to stock up on these if you have an insatiable sweet tooth, says the Arlington TX dentist

Ask the Arlington TX Dentist: What Happens if I Develop Gum Problems During Pregnancy?

Many women worry about what dental treatment will do to the health of their unborn child. And in a move that is incredibly detrimental to their health, they actually opt to wait until they give birth before seeking the attention of the Arlington TX dentist. If you notice inflammation or swelling of the soft tissues surrounding the teeth, then book yourself an appointment with the Arlington TX dentist immediately. There are all sorts of myths surrounding pregnancy and dental treatment. What you need to focus on is maintaining the health of your teeth and gums. Waiting nine months to give birth before you seek treatment can put both you and your unborn baby in danger.

A Final Note from the Arlington TX Dentist

The saying, one tooth is lost with every pregnancy is a fallacy, explains the Arlington dentist. With a proper home oral hygiene routine and regular preventative dental treatment, the health of your teeth and gums will not be compromised at all!

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