Travel & Places Outdoors

Kinds of Wooden Boat Kits Available

The essentials invariably include an epoxy with measuring dispenser pumps, boat making plans, manuals to construct the boat, email and phone support, already cut softwood and plywood with predrilled holes in them, ties, nails, screws, glass tape and glass fibre, cleats, blocks, sockets, drain plugs and rowlocks.

There are hull part kits that are not complete wooden boat kits. These partial kits do not include wooden panels cut in situ. There is other material as well that is not included in the kit. Hence, a boat cannot be constructed without the procurement of other useful extra materials.

These extra materials include vinyl gloves, paint brushes, masking tape, plastic packing tape, mixing sticks and pots, dust mask and paint for the boat. In order to assemble a kit together, there are few things required. These include spring clamps, drill and drill bit, glass paper, screwdriver, pliers, wire cutters, filers and scissors.
Keeping the above things in mind, the boat building process becomes an easy and pleasurable activity.

The kits also depend upon the kind of boat that is being created. It consists of all the primary tools that are meant for constructing the boats. The examples include canoe kits, sail boat kits and kayak kits. Wooden boat making process becomes easier if these kits are employed. Apart from the above listed need catering kits, there are skill based kits as well that suits the maker's skill.

A merit of boat kits is that it reduces the need of lofting. In wooden boat kits the parts of the boat to be made are pre-cut. Generally they are pre-cut using computer controlled routers called CNC cutters. By getting cut pieces to make a boat, time is heavily saved.
Also kit manufacturers give a building time to the kit buyer. But it is to be noted that it varies always. For example time taken by a professional boat maker will be less and time taken by any amateur will be more.

Knowing that it is built by your own hands will certainly give an impression on others and happiness to you.

Apart from the kinds listed above, there is another kind of boat kit called the rowboat kit. This is the easiest of all boats. It reduces the mould needs and strong back needs. The boat is made to be assembled on a flat table. It is based on stitch and glue process wherein the planks are joined together through copper wires and then are glued together with fiberglass tape and epoxy.

The plank at the bottom is a laminated sandwich in between two layers of plywood. The layers gives strength and buoyancy. There are certain hardwood parts called furniture grade cherry. Extra materials to complete the kit include paint, varnish, cloth, tape, fiberglass, filler, epoxy resin and most importantly copper wires. A list of all items comes in the kit. The row boat kits can be obtained online or through marine supply stores.

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