Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

Three Of Incredibly Trendy Adventure Travel Destinations For Your Next Vacation

How was your last vacation? Did you have a pleasant time? Did you find excitement? Was there some time to kick back and relax or did your last vacation consist of getting your family to and fro, with a little yard work and household chores thrown in? Was your last "vacation" actually a "staycation"? Why not try something new this year? When you have a little bit of time off, why not try out one of the many adventure travels available in your hometown. Even if you don't go outside your home state there are tons of adventures to be had. If you have the money, why not get out on a true adventure? Here are some incredibly trendy adventure travels.

Dog sledding is a great adventure! You probably think that dog sledding is something that only professionals do. If you're thinking about the Iditarod, then you are right. If, however, you just want to have a great adventure and try out a little bit of dog sledding, you should try out Alaskan Husky Adventures. There are three and two day package deals available through this group. Simply take up a few days worth of groceries and relax--during the day you'll be taught the basics of sledding with dogs and go on guided tours offered by professional sledders. Do you love sightseeing? Do you love being able to explore the places you've only read about in books? Why not take a sightseeing adventure travels tour of somewhere you've always wanted to see? Trendy tourist destinations include Greece, Rome, Ireland and Scotland, Africa, China and Tibet. Obviously there are sightseeing tours in just about every country in the world, so just decide where you want to go and sign up for a touring trip! Let a guide teach you about the country's culture and history.

Try out a Llama Trek! Everybody can ride a horse. If you want some wacky adventure travels without leaving the US, you can opt for the Hurricane Creek Llama Treks in Oregon. On these treks you bring your own camping equipment and are solely responsible for all setting up, taking down, packing and unpacking. These trips are great because you can choose to ride your llama along in the Oregon wilderness or you can walk on your own two feet and lead your Llama with you. When else in life are you going to have the chance to go for a llama ride? There are tons of different ways "adventure travels" can be defined. For some it involves extreme activities like climbing the tallest mountains in the world or experiencing extreme climates. For others it involves challenges they do not face in everyday life like driving cattle, hiking different terrain, etc. Still for some, adventure travels revolve around learning about new things and still having a relaxing trip. In short: no matter what your interests, you can find an adventure vacation suited to you!

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