Law & Legal & Attorney Military

Military Combat Schools

    Surface Combat School

    • The Center for Surface Combat Systems is a school for members of the U.S. Navy. This school deals with ship-to-ship combat, and combat that takes place not only with hand-held firearms but also with weapons the ship is equipped with. This particular school of combat also is worth college credit for those sailors who complete it successfully. These credits can then be put toward a degree in a civilian college once the sailor has finished his tour of duty.

    Combat Divers School

    • Combat divers are trained by several branches, and they usually are considered part of elite units. The Navy, Army and Marine Corps train combat divers. These schools teach their students how to function as a scuba diver, how to remain unseen in the water, how to infiltrate via water, and many times how to plant devices or explosives. Combat divers often are used as part of elite strike teams to take out enemy ships or to infiltrate via a coastal stronghold.

    Marine School of Infantry

    • The Marine Corps School of Infantry is another of the combat schools in the armed forces. After all Marines complete boot camp, they go to the school of infantry, which teaches them skills they will need in the field. Firearms training and specialization, hand-to-hand combat and knife combat are all elements that are perfected during a Marine's time at the school of infantry. These skills are augmented by survival training and more physical training before a Marine is assigned to go off to train for his military occupation.

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