Health & Medical Cardiovascular Health

How to Treat Varicose Veins

    • 1). Wear lightweight compression hosiery for small varicose veins, heavier elastic support stockings for advanced varicose veins not being treated by a surgeon.

    • 2). Consult a board-certified dermatologic or vascular surgeon about your varicose veins.

    • 3). Have an outpatient duplex scan or ultrasound of your legs to rule out deep vein and/or circulatory disease.

    • 4). Talk to your doctor about sclerotherapy, a popular treatment.

    • 5). Explore laser treatment. No injections or surgery are required. One vein generally requires four to six treatments, lasting 15 to 20 minutes each.

    • 6). Evaluate vein stripping. With this surgical procedure, a vascular surgeon makes an incision in your leg, often in your groin, locates your varicose vein, ties it off, and sometimes removes it. Stripping requires general anesthesia, and is usually performed in a hospital operating room.

    • 7). Be aware that after vein-stripping surgery you will wear a firm bandage from foot to mid-thigh for two to three days. You will be asked to rest and keep your leg elevated as much as possible.

    • 8). Ask about ambulatory phlebectomy. With this procedure, your dermatologic surgeon inserts a small hooked instrument into tiny incisions he has made on the underside of your skin to collapse your veins.

    • 9). Know that some health insurance policies cover the treatment of varicose veins, especially if the veins cause discomfort.

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