Health & Medical Mental Health

Mental Health Recovery-Psychotherapy Through Dream Interpretation

You tend to feel like you are losing control of your behavior when you cannot control the direction of your thoughts and they keep going over the same themes and you are too depressed and insecure.
At this stage, you can recover your mental health through dream interpretation by using the scientific method that works like psychotherapy.
An irrational and absurd region belonging to the anti-conscience exists in the mind, which tries to destroy the conscience through craziness.
Dream interpretation is a way through which you see all your mistakes, going back in time and analyzing your entire life, traumas, misconceptions, wrong behavioral patterns, false notions, etc.
You finally start understanding what is happening to you and start intimately understanding the process that takes place in your psyche.
You penetrate your psychic sphere when you start translating the dream messages because the images you see are merely reflections of your reality.
Your dreams care for your life, heath and happiness.
They provide a skeleton of your soul and they show you how your mind, feelings and sensations work, and how your intuition plays a role in your decisions.
After analyzing your behavior, ideas, feelings, and hopes, the unconscious that produces the dreams starts showing you how other people view the same reality, which you view in a different way based on your psychological type.
This way, you also penetrate other people's psychic spheres, learning important aspects of their personality.
Similarly, you can predict how the future will develop by interpreting your dreams.
You can then prepare a desirable future and correct potentially negative developments and work in a precise manner toward your success.
This method of psychotherapy is inexpensive and safe, while other methods are dependent on group therapies or analysts.
On the contrary, the unconscious always helps each person completely develop their own conscience, so that they may become much more intelligent and can easily recognize what is good or harmful for them, without being dependent on the guidance of the unconscious.
The dream guidance does not eliminate our personal introspection and research and it does not impose anything on us.
However, if we are intelligent, we will follow the dream guidance and obey the unconscious that tries to save us from craziness and despair, instead of following the desires of our conscience, which is influenced by the dangerous and violent anti-conscience.
The unconscious is wise and saintly, which means that we can trust it completely, while we cannot trust our own thoughts, since they could be influenced by our primitive anti-conscience.
As you analyze your life and correct your behavior, you will feel better and recover your mental health.
In addition to improving it, you will acquire real mental health for life when you continue interpreting your dreams, since you completely develop your conscience.
This method of psychotherapy is the unique method through which your mind is developed to the fullest and all the potential that is wasted because it belongs to your anti-conscience is transformed into a positive part of your conscience.
Thus, you will acquire the intelligence and skills that were previously wasted in the anti-conscience.

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