Business & Finance Taxes

Tax accountant jobs from accounting to advisory role

Due to the prevailing complex tax structure across the globe, tax accountant jobs are more in demand these days. A tax accountant is one, who inspects the book of accounts and records and computes the taxes according to the laws and regulations. They are also the advisors to the management/individuals regarding the tax liability, updated tax structure and layering out strategic plans for minimizing tax liability. They are the ones who records, maintains and calculates the complete details of the individual/ organization's assets and their income and then computes the tax liability on those assets and income. Aspiring candidates for this field should have good knowledge of mathematics, accounts and tax laws. They should also possess effective communication and organizational skills.

A Sales Tax executive is one who helps in gathering the information on the sales done in the organization and then calculating Tax on those sales. They work as supporting staff to the tax accountants. They provide the key information on the Sale Tax to the tax accountants thereby helping them in preparing the reports on the Sales Tax. This job role is a stepping stone for those who want to make their career in the Tax accountancy. The aspiring candidate should possess basic knowledge of accountancy, sales tax laws and must have computer skills.

Likewise tax accountant jobs, auditor jobs are also in demand across the financial industry. They are known as the watchdog because they are the ones who keep an eye on the authenticity of all financial transactions that takes place in any organization. The key responsibilities of an auditor is collecting and analyzing the records to figure out if there is any violation of laws, regulations, fraud, management policies etc., preparing an audit report basis the financial records and suggesting changes, if required, in financial activities and operations of the company. Audit in any organization is managed by Audit Manager.

The job role of an audit manager is not limited to planning, organising and supervising the audit work but it also involves compiling information on the business processes and controls, scheduling training for the audit staff on the latest developments, identifying the gaps and helping in getting them fixed. The aspiring candidate in this field must possess good knowledge of accounting principles and practices, financial markets, critical thinking, analytical and judgemental skills.

Another job role in financial job industry is the role of a VAT Consultant. VAT, an indirect tax, stands for Value added tax and jobs in this sector are increasing day- by- day. The job role of a VAT consultant is not limited to advising the customers but it also involves application of latest VAT laws and norms, laws and regulations of accounting etc. to help the customers. They should help their clients in such as way wherein both the compliance requirements with respect to tax laws and organization's goals are met in the most effective and efficient manner. People looking for a career in this field must possess excellent analytical skills, updated knowledge of VAT laws, mathematical skills, good communication skills, accounting etc.

With rapid change in tax structure and norms, the role of  tax accountant jobs is very critical role in the financial sector.

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