Causes of Vaginal Candidiasis
Candida albicans, just as like a number of germs and microorganisms that occur naturally in the vagina, keep each other in balance.
Although, when the vagina has particular favorable conditions, the amounts of Candida albicans present increases, thus causing an outbreak and an infection.
Some of these favorable conditions include: 1.
During pregnancy, having diabetes or being obese.
All of these create favorable conditions that will promote the overgrowth of yeasts more easily.
Antibiotics which are used in curing other kinds of infection will tend to alter the normal balance between microorganisms found in the vagina by lessening the number of beneficial bacteria.
Clothing - tight and dirty clothes that tend to trap moisture and heat are the excellent environment for the Candida yeast in the vaginal area to flourish.
Underwear which is generally made from cotton and not dyed is the best kind that should be used.
The use of pantyhose is not suggested, instead, make use of thigh highs.
A change of underwear at least once daily is strongly suggested.
It is also not recommended to sleep in underwear, but if it is required, make sure that it is clean and an unworn pair.
Chemicals such as perfumes, dyes and inks may also cause the pH levels of the body to change thereby leading to a yeast infection.
These chemicals may also lead to allergic reactions which may have the same outcome.
To be safe and prevent infections from even happening, try making use of an unscented toilet paper and laundry detergent.
Candidiasis of the vagina is not a sexually transmitted disease, although there are also some men who develop symptoms such as rash and itching on the penile area after engaging in sexual intercourse with an infected partner.
Having a recurring vaginal yeast infection may be a sign of other serious health conditions.
Repetitive infections that happen immediately after treatment or a vaginal yeast infection that no longer responds to any form of treatment may be a sign that the person has other existing health problems.
A weakened immune system or immune suppression or metabolic illnesses such as diabetes and more are important predisposing factors linked to yeast infections.
Conditions and other diseases associated to vaginal candidiasis include AIDS, mononucleosis, steroids, stress, cancer treatments and nutrient deficiency.
Almost 15% of people with immune suppression develop a systemic disorder caused by Candida.
In more severe cases, these superficial infections affecting the mucous membranes or the skin may gain entry into the bloodstream.
If you have been suffering from vaginal candidiasis that does not seem to get any better even after finishing one course of treatment, immediately seek for medical advice in order to determine the root cause of the infection.
Although, when the vagina has particular favorable conditions, the amounts of Candida albicans present increases, thus causing an outbreak and an infection.
Some of these favorable conditions include: 1.
During pregnancy, having diabetes or being obese.
All of these create favorable conditions that will promote the overgrowth of yeasts more easily.
Antibiotics which are used in curing other kinds of infection will tend to alter the normal balance between microorganisms found in the vagina by lessening the number of beneficial bacteria.
Clothing - tight and dirty clothes that tend to trap moisture and heat are the excellent environment for the Candida yeast in the vaginal area to flourish.
Underwear which is generally made from cotton and not dyed is the best kind that should be used.
The use of pantyhose is not suggested, instead, make use of thigh highs.
A change of underwear at least once daily is strongly suggested.
It is also not recommended to sleep in underwear, but if it is required, make sure that it is clean and an unworn pair.
Chemicals such as perfumes, dyes and inks may also cause the pH levels of the body to change thereby leading to a yeast infection.
These chemicals may also lead to allergic reactions which may have the same outcome.
To be safe and prevent infections from even happening, try making use of an unscented toilet paper and laundry detergent.
Candidiasis of the vagina is not a sexually transmitted disease, although there are also some men who develop symptoms such as rash and itching on the penile area after engaging in sexual intercourse with an infected partner.
Having a recurring vaginal yeast infection may be a sign of other serious health conditions.
Repetitive infections that happen immediately after treatment or a vaginal yeast infection that no longer responds to any form of treatment may be a sign that the person has other existing health problems.
A weakened immune system or immune suppression or metabolic illnesses such as diabetes and more are important predisposing factors linked to yeast infections.
Conditions and other diseases associated to vaginal candidiasis include AIDS, mononucleosis, steroids, stress, cancer treatments and nutrient deficiency.
Almost 15% of people with immune suppression develop a systemic disorder caused by Candida.
In more severe cases, these superficial infections affecting the mucous membranes or the skin may gain entry into the bloodstream.
If you have been suffering from vaginal candidiasis that does not seem to get any better even after finishing one course of treatment, immediately seek for medical advice in order to determine the root cause of the infection.