Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Keeping Halitosis at Bay

We are all predisposed to getting bad breath or halitosis once in our lives; actually, it's more like everyday! Just try and smell your breath as soon as you wake up and you will understand what I mean.
When we sleep, the salivary glands also slow down and this prevents the natural capability of saliva to wash down food debris and bacteria.
When the glands produce less saliva in your sleep, this allows for the growth of bacteria in the mouth; the mouth is a natural environment for bacteria, it is dark and moist.
Normally, what we do once we get up from bed is to brush our teeth to get rid of all the bacteria that accumulated during the night.
This immediately takes away the stench and leaves our mouth feeling and smelling fresh.
Nevertheless, there is another morning ritual that we should not forget to do - have breakfast.
Eating breakfast kicks up a lot of our body's natural processes, including the production of saliva.
Additionally, when you get hunger pangs, the acid that the stomach produces may also cause bad breath.
If you can, it would also help to use an electric toothbrush instead of the manual variety.
Electric toothbrushes provide cleaning that you can only get from your dentist.
The bristles move faster and are able to clean the teeth, gums, cheeks, and tongue deeply, removing all food particles.
Also, you would have whiter teeth, even if you are a smoker.
Remember to brush the back of your teeth as well, food particles and other debris circulate all over your mouth and those that get left behind ca undoubtedly cause bad breath.

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