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Investing In Mississauga Condos!

Calculated Risk is most prominent factor in real estate investment. Fear about crash of market and reason being that condos are overabundant in market. But as they say, no pain no gain so for those who know how to invest and what to invest in reduce their probability of losing in their investments considerable whether Real Estate or Stocks. It is just that In Real Estate investment probability of losing is far lower as compared to in stocks as it was proven in the drop of 2008.

Latest Mississauga Condos offer good value to investors in terms of purchase price when compared to down town Toronto New Condos as well as renting the square one condos or Erin mills condos is not so difficult provided you have done your homework or hired Mississauga real estate agent specializing in condos. As without proper knowledge, you are hitting your targets in dark. Taking a calculated risk or using any experienced Mississauga condo specialist will always improve your chances to reap good returns, unlike those who invest without proper legwork or fear the loss of money and do not look forward to invest in Mississauga Condo market. Others have received a higher return by holding onto the condo until after final closing, when the market has a chance to adjust and respond to the real price.

As the golden rule says €there is no shortcut to success€, doing your preparation before purchasing is a mandatory. Have an insight look at the surrounding neighborhood and determine, if the resale of newly built condos is a great opportunity. Whether the existing condos being sold at a rapid rate or taking long period of time to sell before concluding if that specific area is safe to invest.

Price per square foot should be taken into consideration for the resale condo in Mississauga. Prices should be compared to neighborhood with common patterns, if required.

PSF value of the new Mississauga condo is always higher as compared to similar type and size condo in resale market. An active and prompt analysis should be done to know about the resale value of a 2-5 years old condo with the same square footage, amenities and location. Sometimes just because it is a pre construction condo project€¦.it doesn't means that you are getting it at good value. Some projects are highly over priced too. We need to always compare and invest in something which offers right value based on anticipated closing date of pre construction condo project and what is the value we are expecting when such project is completed. Your focus shall be ROI (Return on Investment) i.e. if you are investing 15% for a project which is to be completed in 4 years. How much will be the anticipated value of that type and size of pre construction condo unit in 4 years will determine your ROI. Sometimes this number can be as good as 100% return and if the builder's price is not based on current value, then you may not reap any reasonable ROI.

It is a must to follow the resale condo market in order to judge the future of pre-construction condos.

One more significant thing is to ensure that the contract allows you some flexibility to rent out the condo during the interim occupancy period, if you would like to generate extra income. You may want to get an assignment clause put into the contract that allows you to sell the unit prior to interim occupancy. This is called selling the contract and not the physical condo unit itself, as unit is technically not in your name till the end of interim occupancy, where after you are the legal owner of the unit. Once your contract is signed, you are free to show the documents to your lawyer during the 10 days cooling off period to make sure you have a easy going deal for when you want to sell.

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