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Time Management in the Commercial Real Estate Agency

In commercial real estate agency, the way that you use your time is a golden opportunity for business growth.
Listings and commissions get a whole lot easier when you are focusing your time.
It should be said that the average working day for a commercial real estate agent it is quite complex.
Many clients and prospects will put pressure on you to do things that are outside of your plans for the day.
How you respond and what you do will dictate the results you get.
So what is really important in your career? Try some of these:
  • Prospecting
  • Client contact
  • Marketing
  • Negotiation
  • Follow through
Everything that you do is a variation of one or more of these things.
As you watch top agents you will see that they are very focused on certain things; those things are the most important.
In other words they will not waste their day.
Here are some things for you to do to help get the most out of your day as a real estate agent:
  1. Understand the things that are very important from a business perspective.
    Always do those things first and if possible at the beginning of the day before distractions set in.
  2. The well-known business process known as the 'Pareto Principle' applies in commercial real estate agency.
    It says that about 80% of your business will come from about 20% of your activities.
    On that basis it is simply a matter of deciding what the key issues are in the 20%.
    When you know what they are you keep repeating them and even lifting the 20% factor to 30%.
  3. When you get busy you cannot and should not stop doing the most important things that help you grow your market share and listings.
    The quality of your listings will take you forward with enquiries, so focus on the better clients and properties.
    Low quality listings do little for your enquiry rate.
  4. What are your peak work times? They are the times when you are most likely to get momentum and results.
    For most people in commercial real estate the times are first thing in the morning or towards mid-afternoon.
    Choose your times and use them well.
  5. As you plan your day remember you clients and prospects.
    Set some 'contact time' into your day and get in front of those people that matter.
    Create those meetings that will help you with more listings and deals.
These are really simple things that just take a small degree of organisation; they also take a huge amount of determination to build the right habits.
It's all up to you with this, so stop wasting time and get started.

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