Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

Why Is My Ex Girlfriend Dating Again - 3 Reasons Why She Is On the Rebound

You are shocked and held in disbelief over the fact that your ex girlfriend is dating again. One of the first things that comes to mind is the question, why? Why is she dating again? After that - you start to wonder if it means that she is truly over you and you don't stand a chance to ever be able to have her back in your life. While that may be true some of the time, it definitely is not true all of the time. And a lot of figuring out whether or not you have a chance of being able to win her back has to do with figuring out why she is dating again.

Here are 3 possible reasons why she is back out there dating:

1. She is just lonely and she wants to meet people.

If this is the case, then you probably still DO have a good chance of being able to reconcile with her and it also is probably true that she isn't looking for a long term relationship so much as she is just looking to spend time with someone. Don't feel like the very fact that she is dating again has to be a sign that you can't ever win her back. If she is doing it just because she is lonely right now, I'd say that you definitely do have a good chance of being able to reconcile with her.

2. She is trying to move on and forget about you.

This is the one that you do have to worry about. If the reason why she is dating again is because she is trying hard to move on, then you can take this as a sign that you might not be able to win her back. It doesn't mean that it is going to be impossible, but it does suggest that it might be kind of difficult and take more time and more strategic thinking on your part if you do hope for a second chance to date her again.

3. She is trying to make you feel jealous.

This doesn't happen all of the time, but some of the time it does. She may be hoping that it gets back to you that she is dating again and that it will make you a little bit jealous and also cause you to spring into action as far as trying to get back together goes. This would be a pretty easy situation to work with if you want to end up back in a relationship with your ex girlfriend.

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