Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

How to Build Muscle Quickly With Proper Supplement Timing

One of the best answers on how to build muscle quickly issue is workout intensity. That is important but supplement timing is even more important for your muscle strength and lean muscle mass gains. Imagine you can advance 2 times faster ? And what if this applies on getting rid of body fat at same speed? And what you would say if you add to this 10-30% higher lifts / strength gain in your best bench press, squat and dead lift?

Before you decide it is impossible allow me to show you results obtained from a clinical trial that examined the effects of supplement-timing.

What is Supplement-timing?

I know this is not the first time for you to hear about the importance of supplement timing. Steel I can be quite sure that it is the first time you face this powerful approach to this subject. In proved Natural gain muscle mass systems like I follow supplement-timing is effectively used and all weight lifters who follow it just burst out off joy in short time after they start doing things properly.

Let me tell you about what you missed until now in case you did not use supplement-timing until now. If you are using it please check the rest of this article anyway since you may be surprised . Proper and most effective supplement-timing involves taking one serving of micronized creatine with one serving of whey protein isolate in ice-cold water, just before and after training. If you are bigger, leaner or have a faster metabolism you will feel even greater benefit from increasing the dose of each serving.

A newest study featured in a recent issue of "New Scientist" reported that bodybuilders who supplemented with whey protein isolate and creatine immediately before and after every workout gained double more in lean muscle mass as a control group. An extra benefit is that this strategy also gives you better strength gains and reduced body fat % at the same time!

Why is Supplement-timing so effective?

Since this is science-based approach to optimizing the anabolic response to training it is easy to understand why this strategy ignites more powerful anabolic response from each and every workout. All serious researches on speeding up muscle building process (if they opened their results to public) all point towards the timing imoprtance. It is all about the ways and means to produce synergistic response that provided a much more powerful anabolic (growth) response to exercise. Off course this conditions in the body promote faster recovery and greater synthesis of muscle protein. However, the idea was merely a theory, until now.

Based on the unique properties of whey protein isolate and micronized creatine when this study is made, it is done with the scientific conviction that consumption of these two supplements just before and right after the intense workout would supply all the necessary components at precisely right time to amplify the anabolic effect of the workout. The results obtained from a well-controlled clinical trial with weight lifters clearly proved author to be correct!

Supplementation with whey protein isolate and micronized creatine just before and immediately after every workout during a 10 week training program produced much better strength gains in two out of three tests. Supplementation with whey protein isolate and micronized creatine also provided gain in lean (muscle) mass that was 100% greater than that achieved by the control group. That's correct, double the gain in muscle mass!

No "magic" supplement on the market will achieve this effect. Definitely, none have evidence from well-controlled clinical research that demonstrate this effect. The carbohydrates contained in creatine produce huge anabolic effect on muscle. The research on whey isolate and its packing on muscle mass during clinical research is unmatched thanks to it's a unique formulation that ensures an abundance of growth-stimulating amino acids and bio-active peptides are delivered directly to muscles to stimulate protein synthesis, minimize breakdown and speed recovery.

The Conclusion

Can I ask you stupid question such as " you want to Build 100% more lean muscle, two times faster?". You don't take my words as granted but try and see the results in your own mirror!

1. Follow powerful principals of gain muscle mass workouts .

2. Determine your exact nutritional requirements.*

3. Create conditions for fast, muscle gain with proper intake of calculated calories in 6 or more, frequent meals during the day.*

Simple steps of Maximizing the muscle growth response with supplement-timing are ;

Take one serving of whey isolate and creatine just before and immediately after every workout. This science-based method stimulates a much faster rate of recovery and more powerful muscle gain response that produces better gains in muscle mass and strength.
Supplement-timing is a simple, straight forward strategy that is proved in effects and results by this research. Who can say that those are not amazing results?

Do not forget it is all depended on our ability to recognize the quality. With all the outrageous, completely unfounded claims made by some companies about their products, it's easy to forget what works the best. How to build muscle quickly method isn't hard if you have guidance and support.

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