Carpet Steam Cleaning and How To Get an Outstanding Guarantee
Choosing a carpet cleaner can be made a lot easier when you know what sort of guarantee a company is prepared to offer you.
Included in this editorial is a quick and easy guide to a good guarantee you can depend on.
When searching for a carpet cleaner most people do little or no homework which seems crazy considering your carpets are one of the most expensive items you own.
The very first and in most cases the last thing people ask to make their decision on a carpet cleaner is, how much do you charge.
People make their entire decision on a carpet cleaner based on how cheap the price is.
If you base your decision mainly on a cheap price you're guaranteed to loose.
You may think you've acquires a good clean and a bargain because you saved $50, $100 or even $200 but think again.
I'll come back to this in a moment.
But First...
Here's how to know if the carpet cleaning company you are looking to hire has a worthy guarantee.
There are three main points to remember with a good guarantee and they are,
This makes it difficult for the honest carpet cleaner who works hard to gain your trust when he or she is pushed by the consumer to do the carpet cleaning at a cheap rate.
This has come about because of the bait and switch tactics by less than honest carpet cleaners.
Their game plan is not to offer you a real guarantee but to offer you a cheap quote over the phone just to get their foot in your door and bump the price up later with tricks such as extra stain treatment, industrial cleaners, sanitising, deodorising and scotch guard as up-sells.
My interpretation of coming out to a customers home to clean their carpet is that I will do everything within my ability to deliver the very best job possible.
But if a carpet cleaner is being paid peanuts then you got to wonder...
where is his incentive to give you a good job? Make sense? If he is there on a cheap quote don't be surprise if they try and up-sell you before, during and even after the clean is completed because they have not made a profit yet.
If you got a terrible job or only a few weeks later your carpets re-soiled quickly then fool for you.
You should have known better after reading the carpet cleaning consumer guide or an editorial like this.
And all because you thought you were cleaver by shopping around for a better price.
Think about this, to save $50 to $100 or even $200 on an average sized home is it really worth it considering the investment of the carpet in the first place? If your carpet is one of the most expensive items you actually own then I can only assume you would not only want it to look and smell clean but also to last twice as long as it would if you hired a dodgy carpet cleaner to give you a cheap clean.
One of the best ways to tell if the carpet cleaner is an honest and reliable carpet cleaner is to view a written guarantee that takes all the risk away from you as the consumer.
If they are confident and know what they are doing they will have no problem providing you a written guarantee with their work.
Another simple tip.
If the price appears to good to be true then it most likely is.
Included in this editorial is a quick and easy guide to a good guarantee you can depend on.
When searching for a carpet cleaner most people do little or no homework which seems crazy considering your carpets are one of the most expensive items you own.
The very first and in most cases the last thing people ask to make their decision on a carpet cleaner is, how much do you charge.
People make their entire decision on a carpet cleaner based on how cheap the price is.
If you base your decision mainly on a cheap price you're guaranteed to loose.
You may think you've acquires a good clean and a bargain because you saved $50, $100 or even $200 but think again.
I'll come back to this in a moment.
But First...
Here's how to know if the carpet cleaning company you are looking to hire has a worthy guarantee.
There are three main points to remember with a good guarantee and they are,
- Ask what sort of guarantee they are actually offering.
- Ask them do they have their guarantee in writing.
If they do you should view it before they commence their work and you should also retain a copy.
If they don't then you will find it impossible to follow up with them if you don't have anything in writing and something goes wrong. - The guarantee should be at least as strong as the following; they should guarantee if you call and are not happy with the initial clean they should come out and clean your carpets again for free.
If it is still not to your liking they should also state in the written guarantee that they will give you your money back.
This makes it difficult for the honest carpet cleaner who works hard to gain your trust when he or she is pushed by the consumer to do the carpet cleaning at a cheap rate.
This has come about because of the bait and switch tactics by less than honest carpet cleaners.
Their game plan is not to offer you a real guarantee but to offer you a cheap quote over the phone just to get their foot in your door and bump the price up later with tricks such as extra stain treatment, industrial cleaners, sanitising, deodorising and scotch guard as up-sells.
My interpretation of coming out to a customers home to clean their carpet is that I will do everything within my ability to deliver the very best job possible.
But if a carpet cleaner is being paid peanuts then you got to wonder...
where is his incentive to give you a good job? Make sense? If he is there on a cheap quote don't be surprise if they try and up-sell you before, during and even after the clean is completed because they have not made a profit yet.
If you got a terrible job or only a few weeks later your carpets re-soiled quickly then fool for you.
You should have known better after reading the carpet cleaning consumer guide or an editorial like this.
And all because you thought you were cleaver by shopping around for a better price.
Think about this, to save $50 to $100 or even $200 on an average sized home is it really worth it considering the investment of the carpet in the first place? If your carpet is one of the most expensive items you actually own then I can only assume you would not only want it to look and smell clean but also to last twice as long as it would if you hired a dodgy carpet cleaner to give you a cheap clean.
One of the best ways to tell if the carpet cleaner is an honest and reliable carpet cleaner is to view a written guarantee that takes all the risk away from you as the consumer.
If they are confident and know what they are doing they will have no problem providing you a written guarantee with their work.
Another simple tip.
If the price appears to good to be true then it most likely is.