Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Toning Abs, What"s the Secret?

Most people relieve that doing lots of abdominal exercises like situps is the best option for toning abs.
This is completely wrong.
If you want to get those perfect six pack abs you will have to focus on much more than doing these kind of exercises.
Things like cardiovascular exercises and diet are much more important.
First you have to realize that spot reduction, getting rid of fat in one particular area like the stomach, does not work.
If you want to tone your abs you have to lose fat all over your body.
Doing exercises that target the abs may make them stronger, but they will not ,by themselves, tone them.
The only effective way to lose fat quickly is by creating a calorie deficit.
This can be achieved through a combination of a good workout program (both cardio and strength) and a low calorie diet.
A good ab workout will not just focus on the abs, but on the entire body.
This way you will not only get stronger and bigger muscles, you will also burn more calories and lose fat.
Remember to never train the same muscle group more than once per week.
They need time to recover and grow.
If you work out too much you will not see the results you seek.
Abdominal exercises like crunches have their place in a workout program, but by themselves they will not do much good.
You have to combine them with cardio and weight training if you want to get ripped abs.

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