Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Flexibility Training - Stretching the Truth

I wouldn't normally condone or recommend stretching the truth or telling a white lie but for the sake of this entry that is exactly what I will do.
Only this is no lie and by stretching the truth, I mean literally.
To better one's health and optimize their fitness level most people turn to the 3 most popular components of physical fitness.
1) Diet and Nutrition 2) Cardiovascular Exercise and 3) Strength Training Little attention is paid to the 4th component of physical fitness s as most gym goers ignore this particular component completely and most beginners are uneducated and unaware of its benefits.
Often overlooked and regularly forgotten, stretching is not on the top of most people's lists when it comes to weight loss, strength gains or improving ones way of life.
In the following few paragraphs I will simplify the benefits of incorporating stretching into your routine and how it will affect various groups of individuals at different levels of physical fitness.
Beginners should include stretching into their routine to speed up recovery, reduce muscle soreness, correct their posture and allow for an improved and better range of motion at the shoulder, hip and knee joints.
Experienced exercisers should optimize their workouts by stretching regularly to help beat plateaus, increase range of motion in various free weight exercises, speed up recovery and help correct any muscular imbalances from years of lifting weights and not stretching or over training specific muscles.
Mature and motivated clients not only lose strength and lean muscle due to the aging process, they also lose flexibility.
A lesser range of motion can lead to injuries, falls, aches, pains and breaks.
Stretching becomes that much more important for clients who are getting on in years and will help prevent injuries while allowing for an improved range of motion at joints that have become stiff and sore over the years.
There is no right or wrong time to stretch.
Whether you enjoy waking up and stretching first thing in the morning or prefer to stretch right before bed, stretching in general will dramatically increase your fitness level and well being while relieving stress and improving your quality of life.
5 to 10 minutes a day is all it takes.
During exercise it is your best bet to stretch lightly during your warm up and then more intensely at your cool down.
You can also stretch target muscles in between sets to shorten workouts and give you something to do during rest periods.
A minimum hold of 10 seconds per stretch for starters is recommended but you can hold a stretch for up to 30 seconds as your flexibility improves for greater benefits.
The truth on stretching is out there.
It just might be hard to reach for those individuals who have ignored this very important part of fitness.
Here is a list of some of the many benefits of stretching.
- Improved flexibility will allow for a fluid and full range of motion making day to day tasks easier.
- Stretching during a warm up improves blood circulation, warms up muscles and prevents injuries.
- Stretching after workouts will reduce muscles soreness and speed up your recovery.
- Stretching also improves body alignment, prevents muscle imbalances and corrects postural challenges.
- Improved posture and body alignment will help prevent lower back problems.
- Stretching is a great way to relieve stress.
- Stretching between sets is great active rest and can help flush out lactic acid quicker.
- Stretching in general will increase and improve your muscular strength and your cardiovascular fitness level.
- Stretching can improve sporting performance.

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