Technology Technology

Why Students Should Be Getting a Netbook Instead of a Standard Size Laptop

Netbooks are really popular nowadays.
They are seen almost everywhere.
It's as if this little laptop has just popped out of nowhere and became the star among students overnight.
So what's the difference between netbooks and standard-size laptops? Here's a few simple criteria that distinguish netbooks from standard laptops.
Netbooks have small screen size that typically measure up to 10 inches or less.
They run on Linux or Windows XP and usually have a price of $500 or less.
The main function of a netbook is to simply let the owner connect to the Internet anytime they want without much hassle.
Asustek was the first one to introduce netbooks when they launched the very first Eee PC in 2007.
However, it was only in 2008 that these mini laptops exploded like wildfire and became extremely popular all over the globe.
Nowadays, companies like Samsung, Acer and Dell are now venturing on the latest trend about mini laptops.
Thus, netbooks are now fast rising in popularity and there is an expected 139-million netbook units that will be manufactured by 2013.
There is a reason why netbooks received an instant popularity.
One reason is because of the hunger for mobility.
Most people want a portable device that can keep them connected with the Internet wherever they go and they want something that is light and small too, the more portable the better.
Most of them crave for a convenient portable device that can keep them connected with their family and friends.
Why are netbooks great for students then? Here are the few reasons: 1.
Portability - Netbooks are not only small, light and compact; they are also portable - a perfect mobile device for people who are always on the go, like students who cannot afford to be out of connection with their family and friends.
Size - Netbooks make great laptops for students because it is small and handy.
It has a 10-inch wide screen display, which is very ideal for students.
They are very light and compact, making it easy for students to tuck the device inside their backpacks or school bags.
Battery Life - Since netbooks are small in size, they do have longer battery life compared to regular laptops.
This is also vital for students who spend all their time in school and don't have a chance to re-charge.
Price - One of the many reasons why netbooks are great for students is because the price is very affordable.
Most students do have limited budget and a laptop that has a price of $300-$500 makes a great deal for them.
Storage - The storage capability of netbooks nowadays are gradually increasing, however since these are just mini laptops, you cannot always expect a wide storage capability as compared to regular laptops.
Normally, netbooks can only reach up to 160 GB, which is normally more than enough for students.
Sturdiness- Netbooks are mostly tough and sturdy.
They are not easily threatened by careless handling.
As we all know, students are not actually the gentlest people on earth, thus, they need a tough and sturdy machine to keep up with their aggressiveness.
Performance - Despite its size, netbooks do have a very impressive and competitive front to be proud of.
Some models have solid-state hard drives that are very durable.
Most models make use of Windows XP, which is much recommended for smaller laptops as compared to Vista.
With all the points stated above, you may notice that netbooks do carry a lot of features that respond to every student's need.
It is small, lightweight, portable, sturdy, has a long battery span, quality performance, great Internet connection, enough storage capability and of course affordable.
Thus, netbooks are really great for students and classroom use.

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