Pets & Animal Pets Fish

How to Take Care of Koi Fish!

How do you take care of Koi fish? Well, that's a broad question that requires broad answers.
Before you begin to take care of your fish, you must make sure that you have everything that you need to take care of them.
Do you have the right filtration? Not having the right filtration will cause undue stress on the fish resulting in sickness and even death.
It will also have your water looking kind of cloudy.
The last thing that you want is cloudy gray pond water.
Do you have the bacteria for your pond? Adding bacteria is essential to maintaining your ponds ecosystem.
It is also a requirement when it comes time to replacing water that has evaporated from your pond.
Do you have summer food or winter food? You must feed your koi the right kind of food depending on the time of year because in the winter their metabolism slows down and they digest less protein.
I hate to say it, but the more expensive food is probably better quality.
These more expensive foods also give the fish brighter colors.
When it comes to Koi fish food, you get what you pay for.
How much do you feed your fish each day? When it comes to feeding your fish, you should feed them no more than they can eat in five minutes.
If you have some food left over after five minutes, you should give them less the next time because in the summertime, you can feed them more than once a day.

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