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Why You Should Consider Custom Framing For Your Sentimental Items And Photos

We want to protect the things we care about, so that they don't come to harm. That's why we frame our photos, paintings, jewelry - to protect our more sentimental objects from the otherwise inevitable environmental damage. We don't just want to protect them, we want to display them; the frame needs to not only prevent its contents from taking damage, but accentuate them; it is the canvas on which we create a portrait.

The same photograph or artwork has completely different meanings in a dull black poster frame and in an ornate brass one. Custom framing allows for you to secure the perfect frame to compliment the items that are dear to you.

Let's go back to the practical concerns for a moment, though. Nothing else matters if the frame doesn't adequately protect its contents; a frame that fails in that task may as well be a beautifully adorned doorstop. Custom framing can be an elegant solution to these problems, tailored to the specific object so framed. If you intend to frame something which can be laid mostly flat - for instance, a photograph, a piece of clothing, or a small piece of jewelry - it will be secured in much the same way that you would expect with a generic frame, though you'll be able to ensure a much higher degree of material and build quality.

Consider having other items we care about custom; like a football, or a pair of shoes, or an ornate hat. It doesn't really matter; custom framing is a solution tailored to display your object, and the experts will work with you to make that a reality.

Custom framing, as mentioned, allows you a great deal of choice over aesthetics, too. That makes sense; what works for your favorite toy from when you were young isn't necessarily what works for your wedding dress or tuxedo. Don't worry; work with your custom framer to tailor the matting and the frame itself to your desires.

There's no right or wrong way to go here; the important thing is that the things you care about are displayed in a frame which suits them. If something holds sentimental value to you, nothing less than the best should be acceptable, and custom framing lets you get the best, regardless of what it is that you want to frame.

There's no need to hide something you treasure away because you can't display it - with a custom frame, you can display sentimental objects with as much ease as you can a family photograph. No other type of decor can compare, remember, these objects aren't simply aesthetic choices. They areexpressions of what you hold dear in life. Share them with the world.

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