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Work With Vinyl Bulkheads To Construct Moderate Erosion Sea Walls

Sea walls are very important for those who live on the coastline, to maintain the beautiful coastline from things such as ocean storms or just the usual tidal activities of the sea.  Recently, there has been a fascinating response to the tourist beaches of Southern California, many that do not have sea walls as protection.  Returning visitors are stunned to discover just how much the coastline has changed since their previous visit from just a few years before.  The sand dunes of the beach are molded as inexorably and capriciously as the ones from the Sahara desert.  Every morning, many of those beaches are now attended by a dunes controller using a bulldozer, who re-sculpts the sand back to its original configuration.  It has been instigated, not just to preserve the beaches themselves, and also the many homes that are now build down the shoreline.

A powerful point was made about sea walls when the terrible Indian Ocean tsunami hit on December 26, 2004 and countless people lost their life along that coastline.  What did not receive as much press attention was the condition of the former French colonial enclave known as Pondicherry.  The French had built an enormous stone sea wall 300 years earlier, which left the region almost untouched by the 24 foot rise in the ocean level.

Sea walls were also a significant part for hundreds of years, in regards to the development of nations.  Numerous cities that are landlocked count on the use of a nearby river for transportation, the same can be said for the coastal cities that need a harbor to land ships.  An all natural harbor is a relatively rare geological occurrence.  Without a deep harbor protected from the brunt of the open sea, many coastal areas find themselves at a particular military and financial pitfall.  With sea walls, these cities will be able to create their own harbors while reinforcing their natural geological structures.

The sturdiest seawalls are constructed of reinforced concrete.  Nations such as Japan with extensive coastal regions have miles and miles of concrete seawalls preserving their coastlines.  Forty three percent of Japans coastline is guarded by a sea wall.  It has protected the inside of Japan from the storms of the ocean and has guarded the integrity of its coastline from oceanic erosion.

In situations where a sea wall is needed however the erosive forces of the ocean are less serious, many other materials can be used.  The interior of the San Francisco harbor is a good example of this, because it is protected by the San Francisco peninsula but also has adequate size to feel the forces of the ocean, even in the immediate harbor area.  One of the most commonly used materials is vinyl.  The vinyl is constructed in wall sections known as bulkheads, which provide a lower-cost alternative to concrete construction.

These bulkheads can be used to form seawall types in any of three configurations: vertical, curved, and mound.  The vertical sea walls are the easiest to build.  They try to deflect wave energy away from the barrier.  The curved walls will form a diffused construction that breaks up the wave energy more effectively.  This also directs the waves in a fashion that discourages splash over the walls.  Also they create less turbulence.  Porous bulkheads do not completely block the water, but do dissolve and absorb the energy.  With this being the lowest in terms of cost.

These were just a few of the ways that a low cost vinyl wall will be useful in oceanic erosion situations.

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