Home & Garden Architecture

How do I Use the Red Devil 2952 Ceramic Tile Cutter?

    • 1). Measure and mark the tile to be cut. Lay the tile on a flat, firm surface and place the straight edge next to the mark.

    • 2). Holding the Red Devil 2952 ceramic tile cutter by the red handles, place the scoring wheel on the tile at the end away from you. Using firm and steady pressure, pull the wheel toward you scoring the surface of the tile as you go.

    • 3). Pick up the tile and place it between the jaws of the crimping tool on the other side of the Red Devil from the wheel. If you open the handles, there are two sides of the blade; one side has a single blade, and the other side has two wider blades that enclose the single blade when you squeeze the handles. Place the score directly over the single blade with the back of the tile against the single blade and the top of the tile with the score between the double blades. Apply firm pressure to the handles. This will push the tile over the single blade at the point where it was scored, causing the tile to break at the score.

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