Make Fast Cash Cleaning Cages
When you think about starting a business that revolves around pets, you are more than likely thinking about dogs.
Every now and than a cat based business will pop up among the mix, but for the most part it ends there.
What people never think about is all the other animals out there that, owners could use help with.
Have you ever though about how many people have smaller animals.
Animals, that belong in cages.
All of these cages eventually need to be cleaned out.
A lot of people would pay good money just not to have to do this chore.
Start an animal cage cleaning business.
This will be a lot cheaper, than a dog salon, because there is really no expensive equipment to purchase.
The only things that you will need to be able to clean out cages, is non chemical cleaners.
If you want to seem even more professional then you could also invest in a small pet carrier.
With a pet carrier you will be able to secure the animal while you clean the cage.
Since there are not many people that see cage cleaning as a major earning potential you would have no competition to compete with.
This will make it a little bit difficult when you are trying to set a price.
Take the time and talk to people that have caged pets, ask them what they would pay someone once a week to clean out the cage.
Figure out what the average is and go from there.
Every now and than a cat based business will pop up among the mix, but for the most part it ends there.
What people never think about is all the other animals out there that, owners could use help with.
Have you ever though about how many people have smaller animals.
Animals, that belong in cages.
All of these cages eventually need to be cleaned out.
A lot of people would pay good money just not to have to do this chore.
Start an animal cage cleaning business.
This will be a lot cheaper, than a dog salon, because there is really no expensive equipment to purchase.
The only things that you will need to be able to clean out cages, is non chemical cleaners.
If you want to seem even more professional then you could also invest in a small pet carrier.
With a pet carrier you will be able to secure the animal while you clean the cage.
Since there are not many people that see cage cleaning as a major earning potential you would have no competition to compete with.
This will make it a little bit difficult when you are trying to set a price.
Take the time and talk to people that have caged pets, ask them what they would pay someone once a week to clean out the cage.
Figure out what the average is and go from there.