Home & Garden Tools Renting

Pumps, Used in the Private House

The main element of water supply system in the private house is for sure a pump.
It should have enough performance not only to supply water to the house, but also it should be enough for watering the parcel, filling pools, etc.
There are many varieties of pumps.
If the depth of the water does not exceed 7 meters, the best choice would be the self-priming pump.
Self-priming pump can be integrated with the ejector and without it.
The pump that is used together with membrane head tank is called the pumping station.
Membrane tank is the hermetically sealed metal container which is divided into two parts by a membrane.
Half of the tank is filled with air under pressure, and the second half used by a pump for pushing the water.
Filling the tank is controlled by a special relay.
Self-priming pump with a membrane tank has the following advantages: the possibility of using water heating appliances; membrane tank could be installed in any convenient place, and in case of electricity switches off, water will not immediately disappear, because there are some reserve in tank; and finally the pump station is compact and has light weight.
If the water level is below 8 meters, the submersible pump for the well or bore can be the solution of the problem.
It will cost you more compared with the pumping station.
Well pump differs from the bore pump.
It has a so-called "inner-jacket cooling of the engine", which increases its diameter, and therefore, well for this pump must also be large in diameter.
Cooling the engine of bore pump is provided by lifted water.
If there is no electricity in your parcel, then, a hand pump can help you.
Conventionally, these pumps can be divided into two types: the first - raise water from a depth not exceeding 7 meters, provide a continual rise of water up to 40 liters, and has weigh about 20 kilograms, while the second may raise water from wells with depth of 30 meters, usually have standpipes and have weigh about 25 kilograms.
Finally, we should definitely mention the trash pumps that are used for pumping water from basements and cellars after the spring snowmelt or after heavy summer rains.
These domestic pumps are relatively inexpensive, consume little power, and can pump out up to 5 cubic meters of water per hour to a height of 4 meters.
Sometimes trash pumps have to pump out water with the silt and mud, which can get into the basement with groundwater.
Therefore, these pumps equipped with a special float.

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