Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Weight Watchers Zero Point Foods- A Real Bonus For Dieters

Weight Watchers has been successfully teaching dieters to lose weight and lose fat since the 1960s.
The points system is a relatively new innovation, but has been no less successful and some find it easier to use than earlier methods.
Parts of the Weight Watchers system is covered and protected by US patents, but broadly the number of points a person can have to eat in a day is covered by their starting weight: Less than 150 pounds = 18-25 Points 150 to 174 pounds = 20-27 Points 175 to 199 pounds = 22-29 Points 200 to 224 pounds = 24-31 Points 225 to 250 pounds = 26-33 Points Over 250 pounds = 28-35 Points How to allocate your day's food can become crucial when a single Big Mac will costs 14 points and a slice of undecorated cheesecake will cost 7 points! Using some zero point foods will bulk up your day's intake without costing any of your points allocation.
Here is a partial list: asparagus beets broccoli brussels sprouts cabbage carrots cauliflower celery cucumber diet soda eggplant leeks lettuce mineral water mushrooms okra peppers pumpkin radishes salsa sauerkraut scallions snow peas soy sauce spinach sprouts squash tomatoes turnips watercress If it isn't obvious from the above, salads - green, garden and mixed - are all zero point Weight Watchers foods, as are vegetable juices.
If you'd like to mix some lemon or lime juice, salt, pepper, vinegar and mustard, you could have a zero point salad dressing for your zero point salad.
Spend one point and you can add some olive oil! Lush, indeed.
Understanding how to use the Weight Watchers points system, in it's entirety, and to your benefit - including the Zero Point Foods - can mean you reaching your weight loss and fat loss goals sooner.

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