Technology Networking & Internet

The Advantages of Internet Surveys

    • Use online surveys to get form image by Alexey Klementiev from

      A research project sometimes relies upon the results of surveys and questionnaires to get results. Prior to the rise of the Internet, the most common methods for conducting research surveys was over the phone or in person. Internet surveys have several advantages that help research organizations reach faster and more accurate conclusions.

    Customizing surveys

    • An Internet survey can be customized to results the study requires based on the information provided by the person being surveyed. For example, a female located in the southeastern portion of the United States can be asked questions based on her demographic instantly by a customized Internet survey. This survey may be different than one for a male located in the northwestern part of the country.


    • An Internet survey can be changed at a moment's notice to conform to any change in the study guidelines. There would be no need to print up new surveys, find a way to distribute them and then try to collect the new data. All of the changes could be made instantly on the Internet.

    Ease of Use

    • An Internet survey can be taken any time of day in any setting that the respondent desires. When the respondent can choose the conditions under which he is able to respond to a survey, there is a better chance that he will willingly participate.


    • An online survey can be hosted on a website and accessed at almost no cost to the researcher or the respondent. This low-cost model can become especially helpful when trying to conduct a survey of a small target group that may be widely dispersed. With an Internet survey there is no cost of reproduction, mailing and receiving the survey.

    Faster Response Times

    • A researcher can implement an online survey and begin receiving results instantly. There is no lag time to print and distribute the information, and there is no need to assemble a team to compile information received from phone interviews.

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