Health & Medical Mental Health

Eliminate Panic Attack - Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Panic Attacks

Panic attacks can be caused by many things.
The root of most attacks comes from something physical or emotional.
It is possible that genetics are also the case.
Panic attacks can be caused by certain allergies, or even certain foods that will trigger an anxiety attack.
There are many cases where medications and drugs have been known to create an attack, lets not forget upsetting events, and bad memories as well.
The first thing that you can do to prevent your next panic attack is to be prepared.
When you are currently suffering from a panic attack, grab a piece of paper and make a list of the things that you fear.
When you have finished doing this, write down a list of things that help you calm down and relax related to those fears.
This will help because, the next time you have a panic attack, you can read your list, and it will help you control your attacks much better.
This is the best way to stop the attack right away.
An example...
Scared statement - One of my biggest fears is flying on an airplane and the plane crashing.
Soothing Statement - 60,000 - 80,000 planes fly everyday, my chances of crashing are way less than driving.
I'll be just fine.
Other things that you can do to prevent / eliminate your attacks.
  • Alcohol, drugs, and caffeine should be avoided, because they can trigger an attack very easily.
    They are also much hard to get rid of because you are not in a normal state.
  • Practice Meditation
  • Work Out and Exercise, running helps a lot!
  • Drink lots of water, and get a good nights rest.
    Sleep is very important.
    I hope this helps somewhat.
    Over time as you keep using this strategy, your attacks will most likely disappear forever.

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