Does World End in 2012? The Most Probable Scenarios for the End of the World
Does world end in 2012? Everyone seems to be preoccupied with this 2012 phenomenon nowadays.
In fact, the negative information on this event is so abundant both in the Internet and other media that many people are terrified, to say the least.
Indeed, for a human being it is a shocking experience to undergo the expectation of his potential death.
But from logical view, however, how correct is such behavior? As you might know, nerve cells of human body do not regenerate.
Second, according to psychologists people are most afraid of uncertainty.
If a person knows what to expect in the future (even if it is a negative experience) then he behaves himself more rationally.
And, finally, we can not say with 100% certainty what is going to happen on Dec.
21, 2012.
So, people are making harm to themselves because they do not have information on possibly harmless events! For the health's sake is it not worth trying to find out the true facts about what we might expect? Let us consider one of the most probable scenarios for the end of the world - the end of the world as a result of a giant tectonic fault.
So, does world end in 2012? According to scientists, tectonic activity in the modern period of planet development is by thousands and tens of thousands times less intense than it was during the formation of the planet.
However, recently, a version about a fault under Greenland has appeared.
In case this phenomenon takes place the following hypothetical events might follow.
Surprisingly enough, global warming will play a special role in this process.
Significant portion of Greenland is covered with the ice thickness of more than two kilometers in some places.
Under this weight the Earth's crust along with the mantle are bent under the Greenland at a depth of about one kilometer.
As a result of sudden melting of glacier the curvity under the Greenland will decrease sharply and this will cause significant gap in fracture on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean between Greenland and Great Britain.
The ocean waters will rush to the emerging giant breach.
After contact with hot mantle, a huge stream of hot steam will be released into atmosphere.
Rocks cooled in contact with water will cause a chain reaction in the form of earthquakes around the fracture zone, and the earthquake will cause a huge tsunami.
The Earth's atmosphere will be filled with excessive water vapor and the Sun will not be able to warm the surface, and hence the atmosphere.
Movement of clouds, becoming too thick, will slow down and some moisture will fall down on the surface.
Due to a sharp drop in temperature the land will freeze.
As a result, there comes the end of the world in the form of a new ice age.
It seems that such scenario had taken place quite recently which may be proved by almost instantaneously frozen bodies of the mammoths found in large numbers in deep-frozen soils of northern regions across the globe.
As you can see, such scenario has pretty low probability to occur.
But according to scientists there are dozens of other scenarios which are more likely to cause the end of the world in 2012.
In order to lay all your concerns to the rest I suggest that you take a closer look to all possible scenarios.
Being informed is the best strategy for staying prepared for the cataclysmic events of 2012.
In fact, the negative information on this event is so abundant both in the Internet and other media that many people are terrified, to say the least.
Indeed, for a human being it is a shocking experience to undergo the expectation of his potential death.
But from logical view, however, how correct is such behavior? As you might know, nerve cells of human body do not regenerate.
Second, according to psychologists people are most afraid of uncertainty.
If a person knows what to expect in the future (even if it is a negative experience) then he behaves himself more rationally.
And, finally, we can not say with 100% certainty what is going to happen on Dec.
21, 2012.
So, people are making harm to themselves because they do not have information on possibly harmless events! For the health's sake is it not worth trying to find out the true facts about what we might expect? Let us consider one of the most probable scenarios for the end of the world - the end of the world as a result of a giant tectonic fault.
So, does world end in 2012? According to scientists, tectonic activity in the modern period of planet development is by thousands and tens of thousands times less intense than it was during the formation of the planet.
However, recently, a version about a fault under Greenland has appeared.
In case this phenomenon takes place the following hypothetical events might follow.
Surprisingly enough, global warming will play a special role in this process.
Significant portion of Greenland is covered with the ice thickness of more than two kilometers in some places.
Under this weight the Earth's crust along with the mantle are bent under the Greenland at a depth of about one kilometer.
As a result of sudden melting of glacier the curvity under the Greenland will decrease sharply and this will cause significant gap in fracture on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean between Greenland and Great Britain.
The ocean waters will rush to the emerging giant breach.
After contact with hot mantle, a huge stream of hot steam will be released into atmosphere.
Rocks cooled in contact with water will cause a chain reaction in the form of earthquakes around the fracture zone, and the earthquake will cause a huge tsunami.
The Earth's atmosphere will be filled with excessive water vapor and the Sun will not be able to warm the surface, and hence the atmosphere.
Movement of clouds, becoming too thick, will slow down and some moisture will fall down on the surface.
Due to a sharp drop in temperature the land will freeze.
As a result, there comes the end of the world in the form of a new ice age.
It seems that such scenario had taken place quite recently which may be proved by almost instantaneously frozen bodies of the mammoths found in large numbers in deep-frozen soils of northern regions across the globe.
As you can see, such scenario has pretty low probability to occur.
But according to scientists there are dozens of other scenarios which are more likely to cause the end of the world in 2012.
In order to lay all your concerns to the rest I suggest that you take a closer look to all possible scenarios.
Being informed is the best strategy for staying prepared for the cataclysmic events of 2012.