Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

The Correct Therapeutic Skincare Treatment Should Lean Towards All Natural Ingredients

The correct therapeutic skincare treatment depends on the condition you are attempting to treat. There are a number of companies out there who would have you believe that their creams or lotions work for everything. That's simply impossible. Here you will learn about beneficial therapies for common skin ailments.

Benzoyl peroxide ointments are commonly recommended to speed healing of blemishes. The use of the ointments is "okay" as long as you follow up with a non-greasy moisturizer. Otherwise, benzoyl peroxide will cause redness, itching, burning and excessive dryness, which only makes the condition worse.

Topical synthetic retinoids are sometimes recommended for severe cases of acne, although the method of action is not well understood. There are many risks associated with the synthetic retinoid creams. A better alternative is to use a cream containing a natural source or retinoids. Shea butter and avocado extracts are examples.

Eczema is an inflammatory condition. Coal tar is commonly recommended as a treatment. It's a smelly unpleasant compound that may be toxic. Research indicates that exposure to coal residue may increase a person's risk of cancer and other diseases.

Shea butter is a natural anti-inflammatory that smells pleasant and feels soothing. It relieves the itch and discomfort while promoting healing.

Functional Keratin is another therapeutic skincare treatment for eczema and other inflammatory conditions. It has been scientifically proven to inhibit or stop the inflammatory process.

Wrinkles may not be inevitable. If we take the appropriate steps to protect our skin from excessive sun exposure and other sources of free radical damage, such as cigarette smoke, we should continue to look as young as we feel for many years to come.

If wrinkles are already present, it is possible to reduce them. It takes time and patience, unless you want to have cosmetic surgery. But there are effective therapeutic skincare creams for reducing wrinkles.

Synthetic retinoids are the only prescription treatment for wrinkles. They cause the same problems for older folks that they do for teenagers with acne.

There are better alternatives.

Tiny particles of coenzyme Q10 have proven to be effective for wrinkle reduction and sun damage repair. The antioxidant works by repairing free radical damage, something the body was designed to do.

Age Spots
Hydroquinone is commonly recommended for fading age spots and lightening the skin. It is no longer recommended in the European Union, because researchers have noted an increased incidence of skin cancer among previous users.

Extra-pone nut grass root extract is a therapeutic skincare ingredient developed by a German manufacturer for reducing age spots and lightening the complexion. It is non-irritating and there are no risks associated with its use.

Functional Keratin, which was mentioned above, should help lighten age spots, too. Research has shown that it increases the amount of antioxidants present in the skin's surface, which would effectively fade spots caused by sun exposure or environmental toxins.

There are many other therapeutic skincare products for many other conditions. Whenever possible, it is always best to make the safest, most natural choice.

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