Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Learn About Breast Lumps for Early Detection of Breast Cancer

There are different types of changes that take place in breasts throughout the life among these changes some are normal while others are considered as abnormal changes because they are not the part of routine and occur due to any disease or cancer, although most of the times unusual changes are perceived as the symptoms of breast cancer but not necessarily they are due to the cancer every time as there can be any other reason as well.

Unusual Changes

There are different unusual changes that take place in breasts and lumps are the most common unusual change that takes place in majority of women especially after menopause. Breast lumps are called breast fullness, masses, swelling or abnormal growth of a tissue in breast and women are advised to stay in touch with breast so that these lumps can be noticed at initial stage.

It should be remembered by women that lumps can be cancerous or malignant so if a woman feels any tenderness, swelling, lump or mass during self breast examination it is advised to see health care practitioner right away so that the reason of such changes can be diagnosed because they might be due to breast cancer.

A breast lump has usually well defined edges that can be noticed during self examination as far as other signs that are associated with breast growth are asymmetry, pain, nipple discharge, nipple inversion, skin pitting, redness in the skin etc. There are certain types of lumps that take place in breast such as


These lumps are firm, hard and painless and usually benign with a definite shape that can easily move under the skin. In most of the cases these lumps are diagnosed in women under 30 so for this reason it is said that women should be aware of their breasts at every stage of life.

These lumps can be formed during pregnancy and they become small in size after menopause. These lumps can be removes by using a needle biopsy and at times they go away without any treatment, but they put a woman at slightly increased risk of developing breast cancer. If a woman decides not to remove this lump she must be carefully monitor them to ensure they are not growing in size.


Cysts are also benign breast growths and they are movable fluid filled sacs within the breast, usually they have well defined edges and most of the times the shape of cyst is round and oval. It is possible to have more than one cyst and women should check whether the cyst is painful or not if it does not cause any pain or discomfort there is no need to remove that.

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