Health & Medical Anti Aging

What Causes Wrinkles? Know How to Combat Them Effectively

Wrinkles are defined as the ridges, folds or creases that appear in the skin.
Most in common, wrinkles develop in our skin as we tend to get older.
These creases may also appear after your skin has been soaked in water for a long period of time.
What causes wrinkles? Wrinkles are considered as an inevitable part of the natural process of aging.
As we become older, our skin becomes less elastic, drier and thinner.
Furthermore, the skin's capability to safeguard itself from free radical impairment is also lessened.
As a result, lines, creases and folds appear on our skin.
What Causes Wrinkles Apart from Aging? Apart from the natural process of aging, there are some other factors that are known to contribute in the formation of wrinkles.
If you are wondering what causes wrinkles other than the aging process, here is a list of some of them: 1.
- Facial expressions - people who repeatedly squint, frown or smile will tend to form wrinkles and fine lines earlier than those people who do not do these facial expression too often.
Each time you make use of a certain facial muscle, a groove is developed under the skin surface.
During your younger age, the skin bounces back, but as you get older, the skin loses its elasticity making it harder for the skin to bounce back leading to more permanent grooves.
- Exposure to harmful UV rays - if you are someone who spend significant time out in the sun during your leisure hours, then you are most likely to form wrinkles earlier 3.
- Genetics - if your parents have formed creases on their skin earlier than other people, your chance of also doing so are considerably higher than someone whose parents formed wrinkles later than others.
While it is true that you cannot stop the natural course of the aging process, knowing what causes wrinkles and protecting your skin from the sun and eliminating unnecessary facial expressions could help in postponing their development.
Dermatologists also recommend that one should begin using one of the best natural anti wrinkle creams as early as possible.
What to look for in wrinkle creams Majority of those expensive creams in the market are not always the most effective.
Some of their ingredients can actually lead to irritations of your skin.
Natural products that are composed of natural ingredients are almost always safer to use and can often be just as effective, if not more effective as certain products that contain synthetic ingredients.
Mineral oil or paraffin wax, dioxane and parabens are some of the ingredients that you should avoid if you are seeking for the best anti wrinkle creams.
On the other hand, Phytessence Wakame, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Xtend-TK and Coenzyme Q10 are some of the ingredients that you may want to look for.

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