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How to Use Hydrated Lime

    • 1). Find the lime requirement listed on the report provided after your soil test. The requirement will likely be listed as pounds of pure calcium carbonate needed per 1,000 square feet. If you cannot find the lime requirement, call the extension office that issued the report for help.

    • 2). Divide the listed pounds of calcium carbonate per 1,000 square feet by 1.4. According to the Ohio State University Extension Office, hydrated lime delivers 140 percent of the pH raising power of pure calcium carbonate. For example, if the soil test report lists 7 pounds of pure calcium carbonate needed per 1,000 square feet, you need only 5 pounds of hydrated lime.

    • 3). Pour the hydrated lime into a large bucket while wearing your breathing mask. Add roughly twice the amount by volume of room temperature water. Stir the solution vigorously to mix the lime and water.

    • 4). Water the planting area evenly with the mixture using a watering can or hose-end sprayer.

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