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Marijuana Legal States And The Growth Of Dispensaries

Marijuana dispensaries have been the subject of federal raids for years, despite their legal operation per state law in medicinal marijuana states. However, the Obama administration has changed course and has declared that dispensaries that comply with their state medical marijuana laws will no longer be targeted. This has resulted in a sudden surge in applications to open marijuana dispensaries in states in which medicinal marijuana is legal.

Dispensaries are intended to provide for the safe sale and access of marijuana to patients who have received a medical recommendation for its use. In short, weed dispensaries are sprouting up anywhere and everywhere it's legal to do so. Currently, thirteen states have authorized the medicinal use of marijuana and are home to nearly eight hundred state licensed marijuana dispensaries. Dispensary medical marijuana sales are estimated to be more than a $1 billion dollar business.

One example of a state where medical marijuana dispensaries are flourishing in New Mexico, which legalized medical marijuana in May of 2008. It is reported that New Mexico has over 200 state licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in operation. Most of these dispensaries are in full compliance. There are exceptions, however, and New Mexico law enforcement has closed down some shops that did not follow the law.

Most neighborhood dispensaries however are being tolerated by local communities in and outside of New Mexico mostly because they appear to be serving a legitimate medical purpose and are careful to only dispense medical marijuana to qualified patients possessing a valid physician recommendation of use. What's more, there is absolutely no evidence that the lawful operation of marijuana dispensaries has resulted in any increase in crime or has otherwise adversely impacted the community in which it is zoned to operate.

Marijuana dispensaries offer a large variety of top grade organic cannabis, hashish, edibles and THC extracts. Many dispensaries are showing keen marketing savvy by using coupons, newspaper and magazine advertising, and the Internet to attract new customers. Some dispensaries are even giving away free grams of marijuana for first-time visitors, as well as discounts for people who have served in the armed forces. Along with medical marijuana dispensaries there are a number of online directories that provide medical marijuana patients with valuable information on local dispensaries, prices and the types of medical marijuana products and paraphernalia they sell to patients.

The largest and most popular state for medical marijuana, California, now has dispensaries that offer delivery. Thus, the purchase is even easier for qualified patients. There has been public concern by many public groups, but recent law enforcement studies indicate that there have been very few negative incidents associated with a dispensary's operation.

The change in federal policy regarding state legal medical marijuana has resulted in an explosion in medical marijuana dispensaries. It is required by law that you consult a doctor and have a legitimate need for it before attempting to acquire medical marijuana.

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