Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Cold Turkey Smoking Cessation is the Best Way of Giving Smoking Up

Giving smoking up cold turkey is the most successful of all quit smoking methods.
Did you know that over 90% of those people who manage to quit smoking, do so using some kind of cold turkey smoking cessation method? What we are talking about here is quitting the nicotine habit without using any physical support.
There are many forms of physical support out there for those of us who feel that we could never be successful giving smoking up cold turkey.
Unfortunately, research has shown that for the majority of people, products which provide physical support just do not work, at least in the long term.
The problem lies in the fact that most of these products are still giving you what it is that you are addicted to - nicotine.
These nicotine products such as patches, gum etc (commonly known as NRT or Nicotine Replacement Therapy) act as "crutches" to help you get out of the habit of smoking cigarettes.
The trouble with NRT is that although they might help you in giving up smoking cigarettes, the nicotine addiction is still being fed.
You replace the cigarette addiction with the nicotine addiction (NRT) and in theory, by continually reducing the nicotine dosage, you gradually wean yourself off the nicotine.
This sounds fine, but why not just wean yourself off the cigarettes by cutting back on their strength, or the number of cigarettes that you smoke? Because, it does not work! You need to get that nicotine out of your system, because as long as it is in there, the chances are that you will fall back into the smoking habit.
Remember, habits are relatively easy to change, addictions are far more difficult to kick! It is not easy giving smoking up cold turkey.
Smoking is a killer though, so surely it is worth going through two or three weeks of hell to achieve your goal of giving smoking up for good.

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