Health & Medical Women's Health

Coretta Scott King: Ovarian Cancer

Coretta Scott King: Ovarian Cancer

Coretta Scott King Had Ovarian Cancer

King Died in Mexico While Exploring Treatment Options, Family Says

Feb. 1, 2006 -- When Coretta Scott King died on the evening of Jan. 30, she had ovarian cancer and was in Mexico exploring treatment options, according to her family.

"Mrs. Coretta Scott King was in Mexico for observation and consideration of treatment for ovarian cancer," King's family said in a statement released to the media.

"She was considered terminal by physicians in the United States. Mrs. King and her family wanted to explore other options," the statement continues.

King, a civil rights activist and the widow of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., died at age 78.

The King family's statement doesn't describe those other options or list a cause of death, so it's not known if ovarian cancer took King's life. According to the Associated Press, doctors at the alternative medicine clinic where King had been staying attributed her death to respiratory failure.

Questions About Alternative Clinic

A report in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution raised questions about the clinic the allegedly attended, the Hospital Santa Monica in Rosarito Beach, Mexico, about 16 miles south of San Diego. On its web site, the clinic claims to have "a very eclectic approach to the treatment of chronic degenerative disease, diseases by and large considered incurable by the orthodox medical profession."

Most of the clinic's clients are cancer patients "who have been told that there is no hope, all traditional therapies have failed," states the clinic's web site.

Another web site,, run by Stephen Barrett, MD, questions the background of Hospital Santa Monica's founder and director, Kurt Donsbach. According to Hospital Santa Monica's web site, Donsbach is a DC, ND, and PhD.

The King family's statement doesn't name the place where King was seeking treatment in Mexico.

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