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How Much Do I Owe You?

How much do I owe you, Lord? You tell me that you want no sacrifices or any works of the flesh.
You simply want me to know you more and more intimately and to share your awesome love with those who know not what they are doing, and do not realize what awesome grace is in store for them.
Oh Lord, I owe you not only my life and my love, but my total submission, obedience and reverential awe.
Lord, I know that you don't want me to be anxious for anything.
All I need to do is ask you for all my needs, while steadfastly and thankfully expecting the desired result.
4: 6) I need never to look to man to get my needs supplied because you're my provider for everything.
You even pour blessings into my life that I did not consciously ask for or realized I was in need of.
All I want to do, Lord, is to give back to you because you have given so freely of yourself.
Human nature wants to pay back whatever is owed.
I was a sinner, and you restored me.
You washed me with your precious Blood shed especially for me and made me your inheritance.
You want nothing more than to shower me with all your precious gifts and to walk and talk with me every moment of every day.
I owe you a debt I can never ever repay.
You forgave me of all my sins and inadequacies way before I ever knew you.
That's because, instead of cursing those who crucified you, in your unfathomable love you forgave all, expressing that they knew not what they were doing.
I was among those because you have known me since the foundation of the world.
Silently you took the blows, poured out your blood, and took my sin, pain and disease upon yourself.
Then, you suffered the consequences of the evil of mankind in the fires and extreme tortures of hell so that I would never have to endure it.
(Luke 23: 34) It is so awesome to know that I do not have to pay the eternal consequences of sin.
It's impossible to wrap my head around such love! But you did not stop there.
Your love drew me to yourself and empowered me with your Holy Spirit to soar above the ills and influences of this world.
According to your divine power, you have given me everything I need to live a victorious and godly life.
(2 Pet.
1: 3) I need to give you the glory for all that you are, have done, and are doing in my life.
The more I trust your Word and walk in faith, the more the fruit of the Spirit and your likeness will be displayed in me.
(2 Pet.
1: 4-5) To whom much is given, much is required.
(Luke 12: 48) How could I, who have been forgiven so much, not forgive anyone who has ever hurt me, no matter what the crime?

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