How can we know that there is power in the Blood of Jesus?
Jesus shed His blood on the cross. His incomparable love for the mankind cannot be doubted. It is His blood that saves us from sins and sanctifies us. Prayers and pleadings offered in the name of the "Blood of Jesus" are very powerful. It is our trust in God that helps us receive salvation. Do we love God as much as He loves us? The first commandment given by God to mankind is, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your body and mind." It is the blood of Jesus that invoked God to forgive our sins and persuaded Him to open the Gate of Heaven for us to join Him in eternal life. Jesus is the way to the Father.
I am the way, and the truth and life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6
Then, Why do we fear?
Why does anguish makes its way into our life?
Is it not because we fail to keep the spiritual light kindled within us? Jesus in His way to the Cross has clearly demonstrated the sufferings which we have to endure to become winners at the end of the race. With patience and compassion in the heart we should continue steadily in prayers. Just believing that God, the Father Almighty is there to care for our needs both great and small.
It was not easy for Jesus to become our atonement through faith. His walk with the Cross towards Calvary was extremely painful. He absorbed the excruciating torment a human on earth can stand. Today, He is seated at the right hand of His Father. Likewise, on earth we believers will have to endure all sufferings. At the end, we shall be partakers with Him in heaven. This is the most precious gift that awaits each and every believer.
Jesus walked ahead of us; we need to walk in His foot-steps that lead towards victory!
What can the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross do for us?
The blood of Jesus can protect and deliver us from any kind of dreadful situation, life threatening diseases, evil people, demonic works, drug or any other addiction, accidents, financial crises, restless life, natural calamities and all those situations which are not under control of humans. This precious blood was shed for the remission of sins. It is this blood that saves us from the wrath of God. It brings forgiveness as a gift to each one of us. It opens our eyes, gives us wisdom to forgive the sins of our brethren.
The prayers and pleadings offered in the name of the blood of Jesus are exceptionally powerful. It can break up all evil activities performed by wicked people to harm us and our family. It can save us and our children or any other member from becoming a victim to a planned, conspired or accidental death. When we are disheartened, helpless, agonized, distressed or tortured, we should never let our hearts get troubled. Neither should we take short-cuts to flee away from trouble. Short-cuts will help us temporarily but may be associated with more harassment. We should cling to the "Cross" with full surrender and plead for the cause of our anguish praying ceaselessly, believing in God's love and power. Our prayers will be answered miraculously. We can get an opportunity to physically experience the warmth of the unparallel love of God, the Father Almighty.
I am the way, and the truth and life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6
Then, Why do we fear?
Why does anguish makes its way into our life?
Is it not because we fail to keep the spiritual light kindled within us? Jesus in His way to the Cross has clearly demonstrated the sufferings which we have to endure to become winners at the end of the race. With patience and compassion in the heart we should continue steadily in prayers. Just believing that God, the Father Almighty is there to care for our needs both great and small.
It was not easy for Jesus to become our atonement through faith. His walk with the Cross towards Calvary was extremely painful. He absorbed the excruciating torment a human on earth can stand. Today, He is seated at the right hand of His Father. Likewise, on earth we believers will have to endure all sufferings. At the end, we shall be partakers with Him in heaven. This is the most precious gift that awaits each and every believer.
Jesus walked ahead of us; we need to walk in His foot-steps that lead towards victory!
What can the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross do for us?
The blood of Jesus can protect and deliver us from any kind of dreadful situation, life threatening diseases, evil people, demonic works, drug or any other addiction, accidents, financial crises, restless life, natural calamities and all those situations which are not under control of humans. This precious blood was shed for the remission of sins. It is this blood that saves us from the wrath of God. It brings forgiveness as a gift to each one of us. It opens our eyes, gives us wisdom to forgive the sins of our brethren.
The prayers and pleadings offered in the name of the blood of Jesus are exceptionally powerful. It can break up all evil activities performed by wicked people to harm us and our family. It can save us and our children or any other member from becoming a victim to a planned, conspired or accidental death. When we are disheartened, helpless, agonized, distressed or tortured, we should never let our hearts get troubled. Neither should we take short-cuts to flee away from trouble. Short-cuts will help us temporarily but may be associated with more harassment. We should cling to the "Cross" with full surrender and plead for the cause of our anguish praying ceaselessly, believing in God's love and power. Our prayers will be answered miraculously. We can get an opportunity to physically experience the warmth of the unparallel love of God, the Father Almighty.