Multiple Sclerosis and more--Persistent tapping brings big EFT success in 4 months
Persistence in this case has really paid off. Harry (not his real name) calls it his "new way of life", and tells folks that they need to look at it like brushing their teeth or eating."Just do it with the same regularity that you do those things, or even more frequently!"
We began working together intensely about 4 months ago. We continue to spend a couple of hours a week together in session, and he taps no less than three or four times a day. When he grows tired of tapping, he uses the touch and breathe technique or imagines tapping in his mind.
A brief background: At the age of 10, he fell 25' down a hay shoot onto a concrete pad, landing on his tail bone. Multiple accidents over the years added to the challenges and pain. He has been through 16 major operations, for his back, neck, and even cancer. He has so much metal in his body that he sets off radar detectors. In addition to suffering multiple major emotional traumas, several years ago he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.
As the result of all this, over the years, Harry says he has taken just about every prescription drug on the market for pain, (including morphine) and even became addicted to some. The addictions were severe enough that he was forced to enter treatment centers. On occasion he could walk from his home to the mailbox and back without crutches. He couldn't ride in a vehicle for more than 10 miles without excruciating pain and discomfort.
He is now off all pain meds. All Multiple Sclerosis symptoms, arthritis and scar tissue pain have vanished, and pain is rarely an issue. When we began, his pain levels, on a 0-10 scale) were generally between 8 and 9 on a daily basis.
An interesting point to make is that as a result of the work we have been doing together, if he begins to experience pain, he now sees a direct connection to someone in his life creating a disruption or aggravation. He immediately taps on the situation and the pain. He affectionately refers to his "ah ha" point, as his "ha ha" point, because it works so quickly for him he gets a giggle out of it!
Harry attended a workshop I did last year wherein he experienced a great deal of relief from his pain. Unfortunately, after a few emails and phone calls, he ceased communication and stopped tapping. This, after going through a subsequent operation, having less difficulty with anesthesia and recovering more quickly than he said he had ever experienced.
I took it upon myself to reconnect one way or the other. (Must be the Sagittarian in me!) The night before I called, he and his wife had prayed together because all hope was gone. He was ready to try suicide, once again. He didn't share this with me until we had worked together for a few weeks.
During our first few sessions, he was amazed to see his pain levels drop when we were only addressing the emotional issues and traumatic events. There were tons of them, many of which he was sure he had cleared or had "gotten over" years ago. There were many issues dealing with anger, guilt, and the need to forgive himself and others. We found that adding "forgiveness" to segments of the work we were doing was bringing such rapid improvement, we began adding it as a tail ender to EVERYTHING. Another tail ender frequently used was "without judgment".
Some of the language/issues:
Even though I am sad and angry because I can't play with my grandchildren.....
Even though I feel I should be able to do better for my wife. This is unfair to her and she deserves better....
Even though I feel like a failure.....
Even though I am stuck taking care of the "IB" (short for insensitive b_ _ _ _ - referring to Mom) because my siblings don't give a hoot and refuse to help......
We also addressed all the physical symptoms, diagnoses, and accompanying fears one by one. A few of the phrases we worked with:
Even though I have been diagnosed with MS, I refuse to accept this disease.....I choose to be healthy and strong.
Even though I have this pain and weakness in my legs......I choose to be pain free and strong....I am safe, I am free to be me.
("I am safe, I am free to be me." is a phrase we use quite frequently... As he gained strength, we were able to test with him doing knee bends, unassisted.)
Even though they have told me there is no cure for MS, I bless it and let it go....I choose to be MS free...
Even though I have all this discomfort that feels like a tight headband....
Even though I am afraid everyone will think I am a fraud and a phony when I let go of my wheel chair & crutches....
Even though I fear I may not be able to survive financially if I recover......
Even though I somehow enjoy the attention my condition brings me....I'd rather be able to function fully and under my own steam...
Even though I am afraid the symptoms and pain will return.....
Even though I am not sure these treatments will hold....
There were days and times when the emotional intensity seemed almost too much for Harry, but we worked through it, with his insistence that he was ready to off load anything keeping him from healing.
Read additional content articles on EFT from Sophia Cayer at Learn more about EFT and the meridan tapping method today!
We began working together intensely about 4 months ago. We continue to spend a couple of hours a week together in session, and he taps no less than three or four times a day. When he grows tired of tapping, he uses the touch and breathe technique or imagines tapping in his mind.
A brief background: At the age of 10, he fell 25' down a hay shoot onto a concrete pad, landing on his tail bone. Multiple accidents over the years added to the challenges and pain. He has been through 16 major operations, for his back, neck, and even cancer. He has so much metal in his body that he sets off radar detectors. In addition to suffering multiple major emotional traumas, several years ago he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.
As the result of all this, over the years, Harry says he has taken just about every prescription drug on the market for pain, (including morphine) and even became addicted to some. The addictions were severe enough that he was forced to enter treatment centers. On occasion he could walk from his home to the mailbox and back without crutches. He couldn't ride in a vehicle for more than 10 miles without excruciating pain and discomfort.
He is now off all pain meds. All Multiple Sclerosis symptoms, arthritis and scar tissue pain have vanished, and pain is rarely an issue. When we began, his pain levels, on a 0-10 scale) were generally between 8 and 9 on a daily basis.
An interesting point to make is that as a result of the work we have been doing together, if he begins to experience pain, he now sees a direct connection to someone in his life creating a disruption or aggravation. He immediately taps on the situation and the pain. He affectionately refers to his "ah ha" point, as his "ha ha" point, because it works so quickly for him he gets a giggle out of it!
Harry attended a workshop I did last year wherein he experienced a great deal of relief from his pain. Unfortunately, after a few emails and phone calls, he ceased communication and stopped tapping. This, after going through a subsequent operation, having less difficulty with anesthesia and recovering more quickly than he said he had ever experienced.
I took it upon myself to reconnect one way or the other. (Must be the Sagittarian in me!) The night before I called, he and his wife had prayed together because all hope was gone. He was ready to try suicide, once again. He didn't share this with me until we had worked together for a few weeks.
During our first few sessions, he was amazed to see his pain levels drop when we were only addressing the emotional issues and traumatic events. There were tons of them, many of which he was sure he had cleared or had "gotten over" years ago. There were many issues dealing with anger, guilt, and the need to forgive himself and others. We found that adding "forgiveness" to segments of the work we were doing was bringing such rapid improvement, we began adding it as a tail ender to EVERYTHING. Another tail ender frequently used was "without judgment".
Some of the language/issues:
Even though I am sad and angry because I can't play with my grandchildren.....
Even though I feel I should be able to do better for my wife. This is unfair to her and she deserves better....
Even though I feel like a failure.....
Even though I am stuck taking care of the "IB" (short for insensitive b_ _ _ _ - referring to Mom) because my siblings don't give a hoot and refuse to help......
We also addressed all the physical symptoms, diagnoses, and accompanying fears one by one. A few of the phrases we worked with:
Even though I have been diagnosed with MS, I refuse to accept this disease.....I choose to be healthy and strong.
Even though I have this pain and weakness in my legs......I choose to be pain free and strong....I am safe, I am free to be me.
("I am safe, I am free to be me." is a phrase we use quite frequently... As he gained strength, we were able to test with him doing knee bends, unassisted.)
Even though they have told me there is no cure for MS, I bless it and let it go....I choose to be MS free...
Even though I have all this discomfort that feels like a tight headband....
Even though I am afraid everyone will think I am a fraud and a phony when I let go of my wheel chair & crutches....
Even though I fear I may not be able to survive financially if I recover......
Even though I somehow enjoy the attention my condition brings me....I'd rather be able to function fully and under my own steam...
Even though I am afraid the symptoms and pain will return.....
Even though I am not sure these treatments will hold....
There were days and times when the emotional intensity seemed almost too much for Harry, but we worked through it, with his insistence that he was ready to off load anything keeping him from healing.
Read additional content articles on EFT from Sophia Cayer at Learn more about EFT and the meridan tapping method today!