Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Smoking Cessation - How to Quit Smoking Naturally

Recent years has seen a splurge in the average number of products sold to help people with smoking cessation.
More and more products are entering the market in the form of e-books, audiotapes, guides, videos and chemicals to help people quit smoking effectively.
However, the problem is still rampant and many people still find quitting difficult.
The most common question which is asked at our support forum back home is - "why is quitting smoking so difficult"? Medically, this is because of enhance Dopamine activity which is released under influence from the chemicals released by tobacco.
One feels calm and short term concentration is increased.
Along with this, the overall experience seems pleasurable but this is only till the dopamine is present.
Soon after this, a smoker's body craves for more and within no time, the person is addicted.
Quitting smoking might not be as difficult as it seems if one knows how to handle the situation.
Here is some practical advice on how to quit smoking naturally:
  1. Divide and Rule - If you can break up your problem of smoking into small manageable components, then it will suddenly become more solvable.
    For instance, if you smoke because of stress, try to lighten up your life by going on small vacations every week or fortnight.
    Try to remove this extra luggage of depression and you have managed to lose a reason for smoking.
    Similarly, tweaking other problems in one's life can help in minimizing dependence on smoking as a solution.
  2. Diet and Exercise - These two are other aspects which need severe modifications if you seriously want to quit smoking.
    If you do not exercise, then start exercising.
    If you do not record your progress, then start recording that.
    If you do not vary your exercise routines, then do that also.
These two are the two most basic sphere's of your life, which if you change successfully will help a great deal in quitting smoking eventually.

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