Pets & Animal Veterinary Medicine

Remedies for Cough & Colds in Dogs

    Food and Water

    • Simply providing the right nutrition can help heal a dog's cold or cough. Plenty of fresh water should be available at all times. You may wish to give bottled or filtered water to avoid any possible irritants or bacteria that may come from tap water. If you normally feed your dog dry food, switch to wet food for the duration of the cold or cough. This is easier for the dog to eat and less irritating on the throat.


    • Honey has antiseptic qualities. It can help soothe a sore throat and keep the back of the throat lubricated. This makes for less irritation and less coughing. A teaspoon of honey can be given to a dog three times a day. Usually they will lap it up on their own because they enjoy the sweet taste, but if not, you may need to force feed.


    • Peppermint tea is often used by humans to treat colds, coughs and sore throats. It can be used for dogs as well. Brew an herbal peppermint tea and give a few drops to your dog every hour or so. Continue doing this until they start to feel better.

    Vitamin C

    • Vitamin C is needed to keep the immune system strong and healthy. Feeding your dog foods rich in vitamin C well help prevent him from getting sick in the first place. However, it is also useful for helping to cure a cold or cough once it develops. You can let your dog drink some orange juice or try crushing vitamin C capsules into the dog's food. Do this only once daily to avoid overdose. Vitamin supplements specifically for dogs can also be purchased.

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