Pets & Animal Veterinary Medicine

What Causes Trembling & Fatigue in Dogs?

    • Exhaustion can be a sign of a serious image by Balogh Eniko from

      As with most living creatures, dogs exhibit symptoms that may be indicative of a minor illness or a serious disease. Two symptoms that cause a lot of worry for dog owners are fatigue and trembling. A serious disease or illness may be causing these symptoms, but something as simple as stress could also be the root problem. The best thing to do as an owner is to keep a close eye on your dog if you see these symptoms. If they persist or if the symptoms are severe, contact your veterinarian.

    Canine Epileptoid Cramping Syndrome (Spike's Disease)

    • Canine Epileptoid Cramping Syndrome (CECS), also known as Spike's Disease, is a neurological disorder that causes symptoms that are similar to epilepsy. The most common symptoms include fatigue, disorientation, pain in the abdomen, muscle contraction, trembling and falling. As of 2010, there are no known cures for CECS and there is no sure way to diagnose the disease. One popular method is through blood testing. There are some indications that changing your dog's diet can help reduce the symptoms of CECS. Removing rawhide and pigs ears have been met with positive results.

    Heat Stroke

    • Just like people, dogs can get too much heat and suffer a stroke as a result. Before your dog goes into full heat stroke seizures (as result of the body's core temperature reaching dangerously high levels), signs of heat exhaustion will be evident. These symptoms include heavy panting, trembling, fatigue and heavy salivation. Heat stroke will result in severe trembling and seizures. There are several ways to avoid heat stroke in your dog. Keep your dog out of direct heat if outside for extended periods of time. Keep your dog properly hydrated. Don't be afraid to spray your dog with a hose to keep it cool during hot days.

    Behavioral Changes/Stress

    • Fatigue and trembling are not necessarily the result of some awful disease your dog has contracted. On the contrary, the problem can be as simple as environmental change. Moving to a new house, getting another dog, or even schedule changes--such as your kids just starting school for the first time or your work hours have increased substantially--can cause significant stress in your dog's life. Dogs love routine, and any break in that routine can cause stress that will exhibit itself in excessive sleeping, fatigue, trembling or even depression. If you've recently had major life changes or your dog's routine has been altered, try creating a new semblance of normalcy with a new routine. It may take time, but your dog will adapt and the symptoms of the stress should alleviate over time.

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