Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

Tips for Making a New Friend: Evaluate Your Progress

This is Part 3 of a 5 part online course. Learn more about the structure, length, and overview of this course.

Five Weeks to Make a New Friend: Part 3
When you've done a variety of activities, it's time to evaluate. Were there people you found interesting but didn't get a chance to really chat with? Were there people you did connect with? This week is about finding potential friends, so even if you're unsure if you really could connect with someone, don't cross them off your list just yet.

Make a point to chat with them at events and get a feel for their personality.

Some things to think about:
  • Who did you find interesting?
  • Who has gone out of their way to be nice to you?
  • Who has tried to talk to you at events?
  • Who has at least one thing in common with you?


Make a point to spend more time chatting with those people in order to find out if you could possibly become friends. At this point, you're looking for someone who:
  • Would like to make a new friend (or has room in their life for a new pal - not everyone does.)
  • You believe has an interest in being friends with you specifically.
  • Seems open to talking with you to find out if you're compatible.


Evaluate the People You've Talked Casually With
Every time you're at an event, be sure to talk to anyone you feel could be a potential friend. Use the approach that you will be more inclusive rather than "ruling people out" at this stage. You're looking for people that you might be interested in having a cup of coffee with. That's all. You don't need to decide if someone could be your best friend or even if you'd be friends for the long haul.

That will come in time.

For now, unless someone is really rude or bothers you, give them a chance. You're trying to build on the casual connections you've developed. Friendship will come later.

Here are some tips that can help you this week:


Continue to Part 4>>

Five Weeks to Develop a New Friendship
Part 1: Practice Small Talk
Part 2: Get Sociable
Part 3: Evaluate
Part 4: Ask a Friend Out for Coffee
Part 5: Follow Up

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