Uterine Fibroid Treatment - How to Go About a Natural Fibroid Cure
Fibroids are benign tumors which are rarely life threatening.
Fortunately it is a condition which responds extremely well to natural cures.
In this article I am going to share some ideas on alternative uterine fibroid treatment methods.
In case of surgery, other than hysterectomy all other procedures merely offer temporary relief.
Hysterectomy is not preferred by many women as it essentially means the removal of an important part of their body, the womb.
If not surgery then what are the alternatives that women can pursue in treatment for uterine fibroids? To start with you must avoid processed food as far as possible.
White flour, white rice and sugar are full of carbohydrates which cause the insulin levels in the body to rise almost instantly.
Insulin in turn can affect the way in which your body manages the estrogen and cause growth of fibroid tumors.
Therefore the first step in fibroid cure must begin with staying away from white, processed food as far as possible.
In fact even after your treatment for uterine fibroids is over it would be useful if you could refrain from this category of foods and include fiber rich food in your diet instead.
Go for organic foods wherever possible.
Acupressure is another useful remedy for fibroid cure.
Acupressure enables the body to expel and let out unexpressed anger.
It also aids in shrinking the size of existing fibroid tumors.
While undergoing treatment for uterine fibroids make sure to include three or more servings of beans, cereals and whole grains in your daily diet.
Metabolism of estrogen is triggered by consumption of milk thistle seed, yellow dock root or dandelion.
These herbs basically strengthen the liver and enable it to function better.
A compress made with hot ginger water or warm castor oil packs are both useful to relieve pain caused by fibroids.
Research has indicated that the most natural cure for uterine fibroid treatment is to reduce the consumption of fatty foods like red meat and beef.
Replace these with fresh organically grown fruits, vegetables, whole grains, cereals and pulses.
Meat and dairy products actually produce estrogen like effect on the body and the uterus which promotes fibroid growth.
Certain supplements and herbs like dandelion, yellow dock root and milk thistle seed are also believed to prevent and shrink fibroid growth.
However it is best if you undergo herbal cure under a qualified herbal medicine practitioner.
In case you are having difficulty in finding one, you can easily locate one on the internet.
When I searched the net I found one such uterine fibroid method online.
It is a 7 step natural plan aimed at fibroid cure.
It has helped thousands of women successfully in treatment for uterine fibroids.
Fortunately it is a condition which responds extremely well to natural cures.
In this article I am going to share some ideas on alternative uterine fibroid treatment methods.
In case of surgery, other than hysterectomy all other procedures merely offer temporary relief.
Hysterectomy is not preferred by many women as it essentially means the removal of an important part of their body, the womb.
If not surgery then what are the alternatives that women can pursue in treatment for uterine fibroids? To start with you must avoid processed food as far as possible.
White flour, white rice and sugar are full of carbohydrates which cause the insulin levels in the body to rise almost instantly.
Insulin in turn can affect the way in which your body manages the estrogen and cause growth of fibroid tumors.
Therefore the first step in fibroid cure must begin with staying away from white, processed food as far as possible.
In fact even after your treatment for uterine fibroids is over it would be useful if you could refrain from this category of foods and include fiber rich food in your diet instead.
Go for organic foods wherever possible.
Acupressure is another useful remedy for fibroid cure.
Acupressure enables the body to expel and let out unexpressed anger.
It also aids in shrinking the size of existing fibroid tumors.
While undergoing treatment for uterine fibroids make sure to include three or more servings of beans, cereals and whole grains in your daily diet.
Metabolism of estrogen is triggered by consumption of milk thistle seed, yellow dock root or dandelion.
These herbs basically strengthen the liver and enable it to function better.
A compress made with hot ginger water or warm castor oil packs are both useful to relieve pain caused by fibroids.
Research has indicated that the most natural cure for uterine fibroid treatment is to reduce the consumption of fatty foods like red meat and beef.
Replace these with fresh organically grown fruits, vegetables, whole grains, cereals and pulses.
Meat and dairy products actually produce estrogen like effect on the body and the uterus which promotes fibroid growth.
Certain supplements and herbs like dandelion, yellow dock root and milk thistle seed are also believed to prevent and shrink fibroid growth.
However it is best if you undergo herbal cure under a qualified herbal medicine practitioner.
In case you are having difficulty in finding one, you can easily locate one on the internet.
When I searched the net I found one such uterine fibroid method online.
It is a 7 step natural plan aimed at fibroid cure.
It has helped thousands of women successfully in treatment for uterine fibroids.