Pets & Animal Pets Cats

Home Cures for Cat Mange

    Lemon Water Treatment

    • This treatment has been said to work effectively against mites that cause mange. Unfortunately, like most medicines and remedies, it will not work for every cat and it will have a varying degree of success on those it does work on. It is quite a simple remedy being easy to make and easy to apply, although this largely depends on the cat. Fill a regular-size pot about halfway with water and bring it to a boil. Remove the pot from the heat and drop half a lemon with its peel into the water. Allow this to cool overnight. Apply the cooled lemon water to the sores and infested areas on the cat. Repeat daily until the mange has cleared completely. It may also be necessary to bathe the cat once a week in an antibacterial shampoo to prevent the sores from becoming infected.

    Lime Sulfur Dips

    • Lime sulfur dips are powerful dips that are usually mixed with a cat's regular shampoo. Lime sulfur dips are considered safe for humans and animals but people should wear gloves and gowns to protect their skin and clothes as the dip will stain. Apply the dip to the cat in a well-ventilated area or room as the fumes, while not toxic, can be quite potent in smell. Allow the cat to dry and do not pet or cuddle it while treatment is ongoing. This treatment will make the cat's skin turn yellow and cause the fur to smell like sulfur. Apply these dips once a week for a number of weeks until the mange mites have been eradicated.

    Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide

    • This home remedy can work on dogs and cats and it is relatively easy to make. Apply this treatment as a shampoo for the cat with the intent of killing the mange mites. To make the solution mix 1 cup of 1 percent hydrogen peroxide with 6 cups of water. Then pour in borax laundry detergent and keep mixing it in until the detergent will not dissolve anymore in the water. Wash the cat with this solution once a week until the mange has cleared.


    • Do not attempt these home remedies without a proper diagnosis and approval of their usage from a veterinarian. If any animal has an adverse reaction to the home remedies, stop treatment immediately and seek veterinary help.

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