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What Is Invoice Car Price?


    • Car dealers work like any other business; buy low and sell high is the name of the game. Through arrangement with the factory, new car dealers receive a discount on the merchandise, called wholesale.

    Invoice Price

    • As the name suggests, invoice price is what the dealer had to pay the manufacturer for the car.

    Profit Margin

    • Dealers cannot dell a car at wholesale and make money, which is why the factory sets a "suggested" retail price called the manufacturer's suggested retail price. The difference between invoice price and MSRP is the dealer's potential profit margin.

    Invoice Variations

    • The invoice amount is determined by the factory cost of the car, which includes base cost and all additional options.

    The "Big Buy" Lie

    • Don't believe those car salesmen who claim to have gotten a "factory discount" for selling vehicles in bulk. All dealers large and small pay the same wholesale (invoice) price for their cars.

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