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Design an RC Construction Toy Project and Create a Play Lake For Remote Control Boating Fun

Create, and build, a recreation lake for your remote control boat fleet.
Get the kids to help, starting at the design phase, and make this a family RC construction toy project that gives you future radio control fun.
For this project you'll design a lake for your boats, and draw the design on paper (in blueprint style) so you know the dimensions, and look, of the finished product.
Follow the blueprint as you work on the construction of your lake, so you end up with a recreation area big enough, and deep enough, to float every boat you have, or plan to operate.
Your biggest boat dictates the size of your lake.
One remote control pirate galleon measures 17" in length, and a working RC tugboat with firefighting, water shooting, cannon measures 20" long.
Each boat, 6" and 8" wide respectively, need a large operating area for maneuverability.
If your radio control toy complement includes boats this size you'll build a lake of roughly a 20' - 25' circle minimum measurement.
Of course a true lake doesn't form a perfectly round circle.
Use your imagination to decide the shoreline of your lake.
Also, keep in mind that the more boats you'll float on your lake at a given time the larger area of water you'll use.
Next figure out how deep your lake must be.
For depth you'll need the draft requirements for your boats.
Draft is how far the bottom of the boat sticks down into the water, and you'll want this measurement when the boat is under full load.
To find the draft of the tugboat I mentioned earlier research how much water a traditional tug of the same design style drafts.
A full-sized 32' tugboat drafts 3.
6' of water under operating load.
My tugboat is a 1:10 scale model.
(It's ten times smaller than the full-size boat.
) Converting to inches I get a full-size boat draft of 43.
2", dividing by 10 gives me 4.
32" of draft for my RC tug.
This tells me that my lake must be a minimum of 4.
33" deep so my tugboat doesn't run aground, or scrape bottom.
Looking at the pirate galleon I measure a draft of about 3.
" Looks like 4.
33" is plenty deep enough for these two remote control models, but I decided to design my lake for a depth of two feet minimum.
Did I mention I play with submarines sometimes? I want my lake to be large enough, and deep enough, to expand my RC playtime later on.
Might as well plan possible expansions into the design now.
It makes life easier.
Now you have a rough layout in your mind of a circular or oval lake at least 20' around the edges, and 2' deep.
Draw out your design as a blueprint on paper.
Start your RC construction project by digging your lake with remote control excavators.
Referring to your blueprint excavate the shape of the shoreline first.
Once you have the outline of your lake dug, work inward toward the center digging down to 12' for your depth.
As you dig with the excavators load the excess dirt into your dump trucks, and haul it away.
Use your radio control loaders to scoop up the loose dirt, and carry it to the dump trucks.
This finished construction project gives you hours of remote control boating recreation.
Next start thinking about creating a community on the shores of your lake.
Design a bustling city with boat docks, marinas, parking garages, an airport, and roads for all your other radio control vehicles.
You'll have ongoing fun that all starts with designing a simple lake, and turning it into your own RC construction toy project.

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